Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Project Blue Beam

For the UFO study done by sane people, see Project Blue Book.

Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory that claims that NASA is attempting to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head and start a New World Order, via a technologically-simulated Second Coming.

The allegations were contained in an audio presentation in 1994 by Quebecois journalist turned conspiracy theorist Serge Monast and later published in his book Project Blue Beam (NASA). Proponents of the theory allege that Monast and another, unnamed, journalist, who both died of heart attacks in 1996, were in fact assassinated. In addition, the Canadian government allegedly kidnapped Monast's daughter in an effort to dissuade him from investigating Project Blue Beam.[1]

The project was apparently supposed to be implemented in 1983,[1] but was delayed. It was then set for implementation in 1995 and then 1996.[2] Monast thought Project Blue Beam would be brought to fruition by the year 2000,[3] really, definitely, for sure.


[edit] Propagation of a theory

The theory is widely popular (for a conspiracy theory) on the Web, with many web pages on the subject and countless YouTube videos explaining it. The actual source material is very thin indeed.

Monast lectured on the theory in the mid-1990s (a transcript of one such lecture is widely available), before writing and publishing his book, which has not been reissued by his current publisher and is all but unobtainable. The currently available pages and videos all appear to trace back to four documents:

  • A transcript of the 1994 lecture by Monast.[3]
  • A GeoCities page[4] written by David Openheimer and which appears to draw on the original book.
  • A page on, compiled in 2005, which appears to include a translation of the book from the French.[1]

  • Monast's page in French Wikipedia.[5] The French Wikipedia article is largely sourced from two books on conspiracy theories and extremism by Pierre-André Taguieff, a mainstream academic expert on racist and extremist groups.

From these few texts have come a flood of green ink, in text and video form, in several languages. Even the French language material typically does not cite the original book but the English language pages on However, conspiracy theorists seem to use quantity as a measure of substance (much as alternative medicine uses appeal to tradition) and never mind the extremely few sources it all traces back to.[6]

Proponents of the theory have extrapolated[7] it to embrace HAARP,[8] 9/11,[9] the Norwegian Spiral,[10] chemtrails[11][12] and FEMA concentration camps.[13] It's not quite the Unified Conspiracy Theory, but it's well on its way.

[edit] The theory

The primary claimed perpetrator is NASA, presented as a large and mostly faceless organization that can readily absorb such frankly odd accusations, aided by the United Nations.

According to Monast, the project has four steps:

[edit] Step One

Step One is the breakdown of all archaeological knowledge. This will apparently be accomplished by faking earthquakes at precise locations around the planet. These locations will supposedly have fake "discoveries" to convince humanity that "new discoveries will finally explain to all people the error of all fundamental religious doctrines."

[edit] Step Two

Step Two involves a gigantic "space show" wherein three-dimensional laser projections will be beamed all over the planet. These will take the shape of whatever deity is most predominant, and will speak in all languages. At the end of the light show, the gods will all merge into one god, the Antichrist. Apparently people will think this is their god, rather than the more natural twenty-first century assumption that it is a particularly opaque Coca Cola advertisement.

Evidence advanced for this has been a supposed plan to project the face of Allah, despite its contradiction with Muslim belief of God's uniqueness, over Baghdad in 1991, to tell the Iraqis to overthrow Saddam Hussein. Someone, somewhere, must have thought those primitive, ignorant non-Western savages wouldn't have had television or advertising, and would never guess it was being done with mirrors.[14]

The light show can supposedly be seen in occasional tests, which manifest as unidentified flying objects. Some of the True Believers in the project cite existing display technology such as 3D projection mapping as foreshadowing the great light show in the sky.

This stage will be accomplished, apparently, with the aid of a Soviet computer that will be fed "with the minute physio-psychological particulars based on their studies of the anatomy and electro-mechanical composition of the human body, and the studies of the electrical, chemical and biological properties of the human brain." The computers are also capable of inducing suicidal thoughts.[15] The Soviets are (not "were") the "New World Order" people. Why NASA would use a Soviet computer when the USSR had to import or copy its computer technology from the West is not detailed.

[edit] Step Three

Step Three involves making people think their god is speaking to them through telepathy, projected into the head of each person individually using extreme low frequency radio waves. The atheists will presumably hear an absence of Richard Dawkins.

[edit] Step Four

Step Four has three parts:

  1. Making humanity think an alien invasion is about to occur at every major city;
  2. Making the Christians think the Rapture is about to happen;
  3. A mixture of electronic and supernatural forces, allowing the supernatural forces to travel through fiber optics, coax, power and telephone lines to penetrate all electronic equipment and appliances, that will by then all have a special microchip installed.[16]

Then chaos will break out, and people will finally be willing - perhaps even desperate - to accept the New World Order. The United Nations plans to use Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" as the anthem for the introduction of the one world religion.[1]

A device has apparently already been perfected that will lift enormous numbers of people, as in a Rapture. UFO abductions are tests of this device.

Project Blue Beam proponents believe psychological preparations have already been made, Monast having claimed that 2001: A Space Odyssey, Star Wars and the Star Trek series all involve an invasion from space and all nations coming together (the first two don't, plus the third is peaceful contact) and that Jurassic Park propagandises evolution in order to make people think God's words are lies.

[edit] Critical acclaim

Project Blue Beam has all the usual hallmarks of a conspiracy theory:

  • It attempts to shoehorn events that have happened and are happening into its predictive framework, particularly with references to films being used to prep people psychologically for the conspiracy's dramatic conclusion.

  • It shows a lack of comprehension of the practical psychology of those who are not paranoid.[14]
  • It plays on fears of alleged advanced technology that most people, including its author, do not understand.

The theory itself cobbles together past conspiracy tropes in such a manner as to gain itself a small amount of attention from future conspiracy theorists, starting from paranoia and progressing to technologically implausible plans with motivations that literally do not make any sense.

The theorist's death from a middle-age heart attack cut off its possible spread early and left it short on source material in English - though there is the tantalizing promise of several books' worth in French - but did cap the theory itself off nicely.

[edit] The actual source of the theory

Joel Engel's book Gene Roddenberry: The Myth and the Man Behind Star Trek was released in 1994, shortly before Monast's widely-sourced lecture on Project Blue Beam.

In May 1975, Gene Roddenberry accepted an offer from Paramount to develop Star Trek into a feature film, and moved back into his old office on the Paramount lot. His proposed story told of a flying saucer, hovering above Earth, that was programmed to send down people who looked like prophets, including Jesus Christ.

All the steps of the conspiracy theory were in the unmade mid-'70s Star Trek film script by Roddenberry, which were recycled for the ST:TNG episode Devil's Due, broadcast in 1991.[17]

There is no evidence of deliberate fraud on Monast's part; given his head was quite thoroughly full of squirrels and confetti by this time, it's entirely plausible that he thought this was the revelation of secret information in a guise safe for propagation. Or something.

However, the actual source was so obvious that even other conspiracy theorists noticed.[18] They confidently state it was obvious that Monast had been fed deceptive information by the CIA. Of course!

[edit] Further reading

Not just in French, but on paper. You'd think we were Wikipedia.

  • Serge Monast. Project Blue Beam (NASA). Presse libre nord-américaine, 1994. The original book, long unobtainable and not reissued by Monast's current publisher. If you have or can track down a copy, this article needs you!
  • Pierre-André Taguieff. La Foire aux illuminés : Ésotérisme, théorie du complot, extrémisme. Paris, Mille et une nuits, 2005.
  • Pierre-André Taguieff. L'imaginaire du complot mondial : Aspects d'un mythe moderne. Paris, Mille et une nuits, 2006.

[edit] Footnotes

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Project Blue Beam (Educate-Yourself); and a slightly different translation from the GeoCities page.
  2. Project Blue Beam (Contact, April 1996)
  3. 3.0 3.1 NASA's Project Blue Beam (transcript of tape); another copy
  4. Blue Beam Project (David Openheimer). On GeoCities, the hallmark of quality.
  5. - which was then translated into English for RationalWiki's Serge Monast article and for the English Wikipedia article, the latter then being translated again for the Romanian Wikipedia article.
  6. This RationalWiki article has itself been redigested into a Romanian Wikipedia article (translation), which was translated back for English Wikipedia and then deleted.
  7. A technical term meaning "made shit up."
  13. Concentration Camps in America (Texe Marrs, Power of Prophecy, December 2002
  14. 14.0 14.1 Good Lord! What in heaven's name is that? (David Hamling, Sydney Morning Herald, February 5th 2000) The article is about ridiculing the blithering stupidity of those who would advance such a ridiculous plan. But somehow it's become a special favorite of conspiracy theorists, who seem to ignore how the last two paragraphs point out that normal people just aren't stupid enough for this sort of thing to work, even as they mirror it widely.
  15. The Watcher Files
  16. What is the Blue Beam Project? (David Openheimer)
  18. Project Blue Beam Exposed! (UPDATED) (Christopher Knowles, The Secret Sun, 2010-11-03)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gravitational potential of the precession

Any difference in the duration of year beyond the additional 5¼ days
or beyond the 236 sec synodic/ sidereal (inertial) difference is a shadow
of all the time of the universe besides the ¼ Yuga (Milankovich cycle).
That time is not yet the time but an empty space of the enveloping cosmic
environment. Only the first two recursive variables through their interplay
yield the space/time fractality. All the rest of the polynomial harmonics
create the succession of quantized gravitational shells, which are not yet
divided into time and space of the present Earth. The universe is made as
a cascade of the successive dense shells and their underlying vibratory patterns,
which are the future and the past of the present density (Earth) but also
its parallel spatial densities, because a parallel order in space is projected
as a serial order in time (90º or ¼ difference between the space
and time). The difference between space and time is relative. The space is
traversed through time just as the time is traversed through space - one can
go left or right only to return to the same starting point. The resonance
of underlying vibratory patterns is responsible for the stratification into
the finite shells because one wave superimposed over another wave solidifies
both of them thus creating a permanent dense yield. Two inverse waves counteract
each other and in their perfect fit they cancel the vibrations converting
them into an instant density but also vice versa – two perfectly matching
densities will in their conflict dissipate back into the vibratory pattern,
because the vibratory pattern is a partial (½) density. There can be
only one dense form in the same space and in the same time. The conflict can
be resolved only by dissipation back into the vibratory pattern. The same
space can be shared by many different times or vice versa – the same
time can be shared by many different spaces only partially as the many simultaneous
vibrations. The frequencies (or quanta) of energy are simultaneous but a dense
matter, which they create through their interaction, can be only one (or vice
versa). The plurality exists only in time because time is a partial (incomplete)
space. All that exists in time is not yet a dense form in the context of its
surrounding (cosmic) density.

Earth and all the forms in its fold exist only as a vibratory pattern, which
is not yet born as a dense matter in its surrounding solar environment because
they lack the complete cohesion. They still lack the cohesion of the present
time because an outer gravity is not yet harnessed as an inner electromagnetic
pattern of vibrations. The inner electromagnetism coheres the dense matter
while the outer gravity, which is a step ahead in time, dissipates (collapses)
it. In the absence of gravity even the electromagnetism, which is cohering
the dense matter will gradually dissipate since they support each other through
a mutual resistance. They act conflictingly as long as there is time –
as long as the form exists only on the vibratory level. The conflict is surmounted
only in time through their resonance. The eventual outcome is either a conversion
of the outer gravity into the inner electromagnetism thus increasing the density
or vice versa – a conversion of the electromagnetism into the gravity
thus decreasing (dissipating) the density, depending on the type of trade
off. The resonance creates either an ascent or a descent of the consciousness
through the different levels of density, depending on the personal level of
coherence. The gravitational lens is a two-way street – the space unfolds
what time enfolds and vice versa. An ascent requires the forfeiture of the
present time in exchange for the future space while a descent requires the
opposite. An ascent requires the larger vibratory coherence; hence it requires
the subjugation of gravity. It requires the conversion of the outer gravitational
waves (time) into the inner electromagnetic waves (space). Conversely, a descent
requires the lesser degree of vibratory coherence; hence it requires a release
of one of its electromagnetic vibrations (space) that will act as its future
gravity (time). The present gravity is not an outer force (potential) of time
but an inner electromagnetic force of space in the solar (4D) context. Similarly,
the solar time is only an underlying vibratory pattern of the galactic space.
The outer solar gravity is already harnessed and cohered as its inner (dense)

The resonance induces an electrogravitational symmetry in which one will
overcome another; hence the time (vibrations) between two successive dense
shells will be truncated or alternatively, the spatial density between two
times will be truncated, which is the same thing because the dense matter
on one level acts only as a vibratory pattern on the next level (the diffused
or partial matter). The present dense matter becomes progressively less dense
when measured against the string of denser surrounding (cosmic) spheres. It
becomes progressively subtler (partial) in the context of the denser spheres
wrapped around it but also vice versa – it becomes an exponentially
denser matter when measured against the string of less dense embedded (inner)
spheres. It will be lost beyond the event horizon of black hole when measured
against the four times less dense embedded sphere. The relativity is universal
law and so is the hierarchical (quantum) law of succession. The relativity
is a dualistic law of action and reaction. The interfering action and its
reaction curve (limit) one another inversely proportionally. The relative
duality creates the finite forms out of an infinite environment. Consequently,
the quantum law, which determines that all manifestations are finite, is a
special case of the relativity and vice versa – the relativity is a
special case of the quantized hierarchy, because every quantized sequence
is made out of the opposing (inversely proportional) relative space and time.
The resonance induces coherence between the inner electromagnetism and the
outer gravity because it is the fine point on the scale. The resonance is
not a random or a relative force but an exact geometry of the interacting
forces. The resonance is a precise quantity because it is fine balance. The
resonant point where the space and time meet is an absolute gravitational
framework in which the inversely proportionally relative space and time interact.
Its points in space and time are firm and non-negotiable mathematical outcomes.
An absolute abstraction on one level is manifested as the multiplicity of
the particular relative forms on another level.

The points of resonance can be negotiated only from a level beyond the present
space/time division. They can be negotiated only from a higher (gravitational)
level of density. The resonant points are the absolute points of the relative
space and time. The problem created on one level can be resolved only on another
level. The problems of the present time can be resolved only in the future
space because a possibility on one level acts as a certainty on another level.
The relativity is resolved only in an absolute context. The resonance in time
is inversely proportional with the corresponding level of density –
the resonant points of 4D density are ¼ curvature, the resonant points
of 5D are 1/5 curvature etc. Alternatively, 4D space has 4 cardinal points;
5D space has 5 cardinal points etc. The resonant points of 4D matter are in
every ¼ of its duration etc. The resonant points are the cardinal points
of a curvature (or the meeting points of a symmetrical shape). They are the
cardinal points of motion in time and the cardinal points of a dense spatial
sphere because the spatial sphere is curved by its time in the same way that
a round motion (rotation/orbital) is curved by its space. The points of resonance
induce an instant quantum leap because a finite form surmounts its infinite
background or vice versa in such points. It is the point in which a light
speed difference between the recursive (space/time) harmonics is truncated.
It is a point of inversion between the space and time. It is a point where
light speed barrier is penetrated. Alternatively, it is a point where light
speed difference that divides the present space from the present time becomes
a light speed difference that divides the future space from the future time,
which is a double (exponential) light speed difference. It is the point in
which an inner electromagnetic potential (space) instantly overcomes an outer
gravitational potential (time) or vice versa.

The space/time stratification exists exclusively within the same gravitational
shell (quantum). It has no validity in the larger gravitational context. It
is not real beyond its particular quantum boundaries (light speed difference
between the space and time). Such a division is valid only in the present
time, which is an exact period of 5200 years of 360 days each. Time appears
as linear only in the short segments. It is a curvature on the larger scale
(light speed difference in scales). Its gravitational quantum is ¼
curvature (cardinal points). The precession, which is negating or regressing
the time (rotation/orbital), is its gravitational curvature (limit). Consequently,
¼ precession is all the time there is in the present spatial world.
¼ curvature in the orbital context is projected as 1/5 curvature in
the rotational context because they reflect the solar and galactic vibratory
levels (times). ¼ orbital precession acting as 1/5 rotational precession
is all the time of present incarnation of Earth. A galactic world has 5 different
incarnations or 5 different solar worlds in the same way that a subsequent
cosmic world has 4 recursive galactic worlds or vice versa – 4 solar
worlds are embedded in each of the 5 galactic worlds. There are 4x50=20 relatively
different incarnations of a larger cosmic world with a duration of 20x5200=104000
years (20x5184=103680), which are created by the solar/galactic interference
(gravitational tug of war). The duration of such a cosmic density is one Milankovich
cycle, ¼ Yuga or alternatively - 1/5 Sothic orbital cycle (1440x360).
The gravitational quantum is made of 5-fold recursion because gravity is 5D
space. The full curvature (quantum) on one level acts as only a fragment of
a curvature (quantum) on another level. The complete 3D density is only a
fragment of 4D density. 4D density is completed only in time (curvature).
The complete 4D density is only a fragment of 5D density, which will be completed
only in an exponential amount of time.

Every dual interaction creates an angular potential, which is an inertial
synodic/sideral difference. Such a difference is an eccentricity or a discrepancy,
which must also be surmounted before the curvature (time) is completed. The
5th quarter is a transitional period. It is the end of one and the beginning
of another cycle because time is unfolded or enfolded in space completely
only when its inertia is also enfolded. The 5th period acts as time of the
past 4 periods. It acts as the gravitational limitation of time. The space
is completed in 3 curvatures and the time is completed in 4 curvatures but
the gravitational quantum, which is created as a potential (eccentricity)
of interacting space and time, is completed only in 5 curvatures (finite segments).
The 4th period acts as the time, which is limiting the past 3 periods, but
the 5th period acts as the time of time. The 5th period acts as the gravitational
limitation (curvature) of time. The 5th period is gravitational potential,
which is created by the space/time conflict. The gravitational potential limits
inversely proportionally its underlying space and time because the gravity
transcends the space/time division. The quantum is gravitational. The 5th
period limits the duration of time in the same way that the 4th period limits
the duration of space. 4th period is time, which is counteracting 3D space
while 5th period is the gravity counteracting the time. The parallel spaces
are projected as the serial times. The reaction of 5D parallel space is 5
serial periods of time, which are counteracting it. The 5th period is the
time of interacting 4D/5D (solar/galactic) densities. It is the final and
the transitional period between two gravitational quanta. It is in the conflict
with its preceding 4 periods. It is an inertial reaction of the resonance
created by the past 4 periods. It is an age of Kali in which everything is
turned inside out and upside down.

the precession in the orbital context is completed from the rotational perspective
only in 5 quarters. The rotational precessional cycle is a 25920-year period
(4/5) while the orbital precessional cycle (perihelion advance) is a 20736-year
period. The 5th quarter is an asymmetrical eccentricity of a perfect symmetry.
It is a dense particle (inertia) in a context of a wave; hence it is a heart
of such a wave. It is a measure of the gravitational coherence between the
subsequent space/time levels, which is 1/5 in the solar context and ¼
in the present context (Earth). The space co-exists with time. They are an
inseparable gravitational whole (quantum). The dense shell of the surrounding
solar (4D) space, which is doubling as the present time of Earth, is an empty
shell in need of time to fill its empty form thus making it dense. The 4 consecutive
periods create only an empty shell but the 5th period densifies it because
it is the gravitational overlap between the space and time (the overlap between
the present space and the solar space). The inner density is created by outer
gravity. Only the space/time coherence (resonance) creates the gravitational
potential (density). The space is counteracted and limited by time but the
time is counteracted and limited only by gravity. The quantum is gravitational.
It is not space or time but their gravitational coherence. The space/time
relativity is surmounted only in an absolute gravitational framework. It is
an absolute framework that makes such a relative interchange possible.

The quantum is gravitational. It is completed only in 5 curvatures. It is
a 5D space. Space without time (or vice versa) is not a quantum. 4 spatial
shells without a corresponding time remain an empty surrounding (solar) space.
Such 4 shells need their corresponding time to be a dense shell. Only the
present matter (Earth) is dense in 4 subsequent curvatures because time is
the density of 3D space. The surrounding solar space is a step ahead. It remains
an empty space in the absence of its corresponding solar time. It becomes
dense only in its own time, which is a step ahead from the present time of
Earth. The surrounding solar space is dense only in time of time. It is dense
only in an accelerated time, which behaves as the present gravity. The solar
time, which is acting as the present gravity is a dense space only as a 5D
manifestations. It is dense in an interaction of 5 parallel spatial shells
or 5 serial time periods because space and time curve (limit) each other inversely
proportionally. An angular 90º potential (gravity) divides the space
from time. Consequently, the parallel spaces act as the serial times and vice
versa – the parallel times act as the serials spaces (serial sense shells).
The gravitational potential is created by a 4/5 interaction between the solar
space, which is doubling as the present time, and the solar time, which is
doubling as the present gravity. Consequently, it is relative if a cycle is
finished in 4 or 5 periods because 4 periods on one level are 5 periods on
the next level and vice versa. The 5th period is an overlap or eccentricity
connecting two perfectly balanced 4-fold periods. It is their essence, which
completes them.

The 5th period is a measure of their coherence. It is the residual gravitational
potential that interacting space (density) and time (motion) create. 4 periods
are under the dominance of the solar attraction while the 5th period is under
the dominance of the galactic attraction in a perpetual solar/galactic tug
of war. The 5th period is preceding the gravitational collapse of the present
space/time division (the quantum leap). It is a relative difference if 4 galactic
cycles are made of 5 solar cycles each or vice versa because their interaction
creates an overall 20-fold periodicity (which is also completed only in a
25-fold periodicity because an additional 5 periods acts as the gravitational
potential of such 4x5 interaction). The 20736-year orbital cycle is incomplete.
It is a complete 25920-year rotational precessional period only with an addition
of a 5th period (or size). Similarly, the low eccentricity 103680-year Milankovich
cycle (4x25920) is a complete (dense) 129600-year period only in its time
(5th period). The Milankovich cycle (¼ Sothic orbital) is completed
only with its 5th high-eccentricity cycle (6x6x6x6 or a symmetrical 130000-year
period). The Sothic orbital cycle of 4x129600=518400 years is also a complete
(dense) shell only with an addition of time to such a spatial manifestation
thus creating a 648000-year cycle, which is the periodicity of the electromagnetic
reversals of Earth.

The 3 spatial directions create an empty space, which is densified only by
its time (4th spatial direction). The present spatial density is created as
a residual potential of a space/time conflict but such 4D density is still
embedded in an empty space of the surrounding universe. The surrounding solar
space and its embedded dense matter (Earth) are light speed difference apart.
It is because the present time behaves as the spatial dimension of the surrounding
(solar) space. The surrounding solar space has the inverse space/time make-up
from its embedded dense Earth. The surrounding space is a step ahead on the
ladder of the quantum hierarchy. The present time behaves as an empty solar
space yet to be densified in its own (5D) time. The earthly (present) density
is instant but the solar density becomes dense only in its own time, which
is light speed ahead from the present time. The present time limits the present
space thus making it dense in the same way that the solar time limits the
solar space thus making it dense. The solar space becomes dense only in the
full curvature of the present time. The solar space becomes dense when it
is limited by its own time. Consequently, the solar space becomes dense only
in the fullness of the present time because present time is the solar space.
Alternatively, such solar 5D density limits the duration of the present 4D
density. The surrounding empty 4D space becomes twice as dense 5D space in
the full curvature of the present time. The duration of the present time (4D)
is a single segment of the 5D (solar) density. The entire duration of the
present time acts as a single quantum of the solar (5D) density. Such a potential,
which is created by a 4D/5D conflict of the solar space/time filters down
into the present density as its gravitational potential. The solar time (5D)
is a gravitational quantum limiting the present time in the solar space in
the same way that the present time limits the present space.

The present gravitational quantum is a quantum of a dense solar space, which
limits the present time and the present space. Such a gravitational quantum
behaves as the present solar density but also as a future density of Earth.
Such a gravitational potential is a parallel (solar) density wrapped around
Earth but also the earthly future density. The gravitational potential creates
twice as dense (solar) matter in a linear distance of time or in an angular
distance of space. Such a denser matter is a distant solar matter that is
also a future earthly matter. Only the space/time (3D/4D) conflict creates
a gravitational potential (5D), which is responsible for the future density
of the surrounding empty space. A string of cosmic densities, which are wrapped
around the present 4D density, are light speed apart each. The light speed
difference is equally a spatial distance as it is a distance of time. Such
cosmic densities wrapped around Earth are the parallel spatial densities but
also the serial densities in time. They are instant in the surrounding (distant)
cosmic environments but they are also the future densities of Earth in a string
of progressively larger time periods. Consequently, the solar density is 5D.
It is completed with 5 parallel spatial shells or 5 serial periods of time.
The subsequent galactic density is 6D. It is completed with 6 spatial shells
nesting one within the other in the same time or alternatively - it is completed
in 6 periods of time evolving one after another in the same space.

The lesser 5200, 26000 and 130000-year cycles densify the space by an additional
gravitational frequency (motion). They curve (limit) the present space in
time but a 648000-year period does the opposite – it limits the present
time in space. The 3 lesser events create an overarching empty space but the
4th event densifies it. The 3 lesser events built up the 3D texture of the
subsequent (surrounding) space but the 4th event densifies it. The 3 lesser
events build up the spatial texture of time but the 4th event makes it dense.
Such an overarching 4D cosmic density superimposed over the present 4D density
is a step ahead even of the solar 5D density. It is a quantum of the galactic
density, which is twice as distant (or larger) surrounding space but also
the more distant future of the present space. The lesser 3 events gradually
densify each one of the 3 directions of the solar space thus creating an empty
shell of the surrounding galactic space that is densified in 648000-year alignments.
The galactic density is 6D density. The present 4D density is a dense space.
The future 5D solar density is a dense time but the galactic density is a
dense time of time – it is a dense gravity. The 3 lesser alignments
densify the time (solar space) step by step thus completing the solar density.
648000-year event densifies one direction of gravity (galactic space). The
process of galactic densification is completed in the subsequent 3.24 mill
years and 16.2 mill years. The subsequent 81 mill-year alignment is a single
(1D) quantum of the external cosmic density. The same process is repeated
again on a larger scale. The more distant and the denser surrounding cosmic
spaces become resonant with the present dense space of Earth in the exponentially
larger periods of time.

648000-year events densify the time, which is an angular (surrounding) space.
The 648000-year cycle creates a space/time conflict on a grand scale thus
producing an electromagnetic residual potential of Earth that will counteract
the gravitational potentials created in the lesser cycles. The lesser cycle
create the shallow gravitational reversals but such a larger cycle creates
a much deeper electromagnetic reversal. The lesser cycles affect the time
(rotational/orbital motion) of Earth, but such a grand cycle affect the density
(size) of Earth. It affects the inner electromagnetic make-up of dense Earth
unlike the lesser cycles that affect only its outer gravitational environment
(the density of the surrounding solar space an Earth’s motion in such
a surrounding space). The 648000-year and the larger cardinal (quantum) alignments
are affecting the present density of Earth by changing its inner electromagnetic
make-up unlike the lesser alignments, which are restricted to the changes
of the outer gravitational environment (the change of motion). Such an alignment
inflicts the change to the heart of a wave (motion), which is its dense particle.
It affects a motion in an angular (4D) space, which is a reaction in time
of the present 3D motion (light speed difference). It affects not only the
cosmic (gravitational) motion of a dense body. It also affects the atomic
(electromagnetic) motion of its underlying particles. They do not affect only
the subtle (gravitational) environment of Earth but also its physical (dense)
environment. They affect the subtle (gravitational) density on a physical
level. Alternatively, they affect the physical density on a subtle (electromagnetic)
level. The lesser events only partially penetrate the barrier between the
solid matter and its underlying vibrational pattern but 648000-year events
penetrate it completely thus changing not only the environment of Earth but
also the density of every form existing in its fold.

The lesser events through the environmental change are changing only the
matrix of frequencies. They change only the pattern of thought without affecting
its material essence. The larger events change the physical form of thought.
The lesser events change only the content while the larger events change the
very form. It is not only a change of civilizations or races of man but the
essential change of the form in which man exist. It is a complete physical
overhaul that affects the pattern of though on a fundamental level unlike
the superficial changes introduced in the lesser events, which are spinning
the same thought only in different forms. The larger cardinal alignments trigger
the more essential and the more comprehensive changes. They induce resonance
with the progressively denser surrounding worlds and the progressively less
dense inner worlds. They place Earth on a proportionally larger collision
course because of the progressively larger time differences of such different
densities. The enhanced coherence between the worlds on a spatial (dense)
plane is offset by an enhanced incoherence between their corresponding times.
Consequently, an exponentially larger number of the spatial forms become unsustainable
in such new gravitational environment with a different time flow. The larger
quantum events filter out the entire orders and sequences of life because
they become unsustainable (incoherent) when measured against such larger cosmic

The cardinal (quantum) alignments merge the progressively denser worlds with
the progressively less dense worlds in the exponentially larger time periods.
Such serial time worlds behave as the parallel spatial worlds because the
absolute gravity transcends the relative space/time division. The spatial
distance acts as a time difference. The time delays and/or the spatial distances
between such different spatial densities do not feature in the gravitational
context. They are the parallel spaces only in the present time and vice versa
– they are the serial times only in the present space. There is no spatial
distance or the time difference in the gravitational framework because gravitational
framework is a quantum – a single and indivisible unit of such a particular
density. They are parallel in space and serial in time, which is a 90º
angular (space/time) difference. The different spatial worlds are cleaved
apart by their time in the same way that the different times are cleaved apart
by their spaces. An infinite time is manifested only in the finite (discrete)
units because time is manifested only in space, which curves (limits) it.
Similarly, an infinite space is manifested only in the finite (discrete) units
because it is manifested only in time, which limits it (Everett’ many
worlds quantum interpretation). The finite spaces (or time, which is a surrounding
or the future space) are always the dense spaces. Conversely, the infinite
spaces are empty spaces, which will become dense spaces in a distance of space
or a distance of time. The limitation of this or any other world is an angular
90º potential. It is ¼ time curvature (motion) of the present
space or ¼ spatial curvature (size) of the present time. The time of
a world is limited by ¼ precession, which regresses (limits) its time
in the surrounding space.

¼ precession is the duration of the present time or alternatively,
the size (quantum) of the surrounding solar space. This or any other world
is limited in its duration to 5200-year period, which are ¼ of the
orbital precession (orbital advance) and/or 1/5 of the rotational precession
(rotational regression). It is the same time in different spatial scales.
Even the millions of years, which are needed for a ¼ precession of
a larger cosmic motion, is a 5200-year period in its corresponding dense space.
Similarly, even a fraction of a second, in which a particle accomplishes ¼
precession, is also a 5200-year period of its corresponding space. The gravity
is absolute. It transcends the relative space/time limitations. Consequently,
an equal and opposite time change must offset a spatial change. An expanded
(empty) space must have relatively longer duration and vice versa –
a contracted (dense) space must have relatively shorter duration. Such differences
have only the comparative value because it is the same density and the same
duration in a gravitational context. The duration of time is limited by a
¼ precession, which is a 5200-year period of the corresponding space,
regardless if the precessing dense particle is the size of an electron, Earth
or the galaxy. The spatial (dense) difference must be offset by an equal and
opposite time difference. The time beyond its present 5200-year limitations
is not the time but a surrounding empty space, which will be converted into
the present time in the cardinal (quantum) points. Alternatively, the time
beyond its 5200-year limits is a dense matter of the surrounding solar space
or the future dense matter of the present space, which will be transformed
into the present time only through the cardinal (¼) alignment. The
present dense matter of Earth is made of the past time already converted into
the present space. On the other side, the surrounding space is the future
time, which will be converted into the segments of the present time only through
a string of the cardinal alignments.

The future times beyond the 5200-year limitation of the present time are
extracted from the surrounding space through a string of resonances with the
parallel spatial shells. The space/time division is a relative (conditional)
division of the absolute (indivisible) gravity. The space in its duration
(time) is a single gravitational shell (the shell of the subsequent or the
surrounding space). An indivisible gravitational shell appears as space from
one side and as time from another side. The present time of the earthly dense
shell acts also as the present space of the solar dense shell. The gravity
alone has neither a density (space) nor duration (time) because it is an abstract
pattern created by their mutual interaction. The gravity is an angular potential
(an angle) separating them. The abstraction on one level behaves as a particular
manifestation on the next level. The infinite on one level becomes the finite
on the next level. An absolute gravity on one level is split into the relative
space/time (particle/wave) duality on the next level. Consequently, such an
abstract pattern is played out in many different relative arrangements. The
abstraction is an X-ray dissection of dense appearance. An abstraction is
its essence. An abstraction is conditional upon its particular manifestation.
The expanded particularity of a manifestation will also expand its abstract

The spatial manifestations are limited by their time. Consequently, an increase
in the number of manifestations, which will stimulate the larger abstract
understanding and prompt an expansion of consciousness, is made possible only
by a cascade of proportionally larger cardinal alignments. The more comprehensive
spatial manifestations, which are enriching the experience of life, become
possible only with the larger degree of the time coherence. They become possible
only with a longer duration, which is accompanying the manifestations of denser
matter. The larger degree of coherence extracted from the underlying incoherent
waves, which is fortifying the density of matter, is not a gradual but an
instant development. The coherence is increased only in the resonant alignments,
which instantly truncate the time separating two spatial manifestations or
vice versa – they instantly truncate the space between two times. The
truncation of the incoherent difference that separates two coherent manifestations
is a gravitational event, which transcends the relative space/time difference.
Two incoherent waves become coherent only in their cardinal points of alignment.
A wave can capture another wave thus either amplifying or canceling the effect
of a wave only in the cardinal points of resonance. Two incoherent waves do
not interact because there is a time delay (or a spatial distance) separating
them. They are simultaneous only in the cardinal points when such time difference
(or spatial distance) is abridged. They interact only when they share the
same time (or the same space).

Alternatively, the waves, which interact only in time, will interact instantly
(in space) in such resonant points because the resonance cancels the time
potential separating two different (dense) spaces. The time delay falls apart
and only the spatial dimension is left thus initiating an instant merging
of different densities. Such an instant merging of the underlying waves will
instantly add an additional quantum of density to the present matter. The
matter is solidified by the absorption of the additional quanta of energy
(waves) but such densification is quantized because the energy is quantized
in the discrete units (quanta). The energy is quantized in the number of resonant
frequencies (waves). The universe is built upon a number of the quantized
(coherent) dense shells light speed apart, which are wrapped around each other.
The density of the surrounding universe is built as a number of the parallel
dense shells unlike its embedded dense matter (microcosm), which is built
as a number of the parallel waves. Alternatively, the universe is built upon
a number of the serial waves while its embedded dense matter is built upon
a number of the serial dense shells (atoms). The underlying subdensity of
dense matter is its pattern of waves. The universe is made of time waves created
by the cosmic motions, which are serial in the present space. They build the
parallel dense shells in time. The present dense matter, on the other side,
is built upon a number of the parallel waves. Such waves create a number of
the serial spatial shells (atoms). The serial waves build parallel densities
while parallel waves build serial densities. The universe is made of a number
of serial waves and/or parallel dense shells. The microcosm (the present dense
matter) is made of a number of the parallel waves and/or serial dense shells.
A difference in time separates the parallel spatial densities but they share
the same space. Conversely, a distance of space separates the serial spatial
densities but they share the same time. The universe and its embedded dense
matter are light speed apart, which is an angular 90º difference. The
serial order of the present dense matter is reflected in the parallel order
of the surrounding universe (and vice versa).

The universe is made of the parallel shells wound up around each other that
will become dense only through a string of the cardinal alignments in exponentially
larger time periods. The universe is made of a number of the resonant time
shells. The microcosm (the present dense matter), on the other side, is made
of a number of the serial shells (atoms), which are made through a string
of the spatial cardinal alignments. The dense shells of the universe are made
by the resonant time waves (gravitational waves) while the present matter
is made from a number of the resonant spatial waves (electromagnetic waves).
The universe is made of the quantized time shells while the present matter
is made of the quantized spatial (instant) shells. The universe is made of
the resonant time waves, which follow each other in the serial order (time
cycles) while the present dense matter is made of the resonant spatial waves,
which are all simultaneous (parallel in the present space). The universe is
made of the quantized matter in the same way that the present matter is made
of quantized energy. The universe behaves as a number of parallel dense layers
wrapped around each other while its microcosm behaves as a number of the serial
shells next to each other (atoms). The quantized energy (present matter) is
an instant (present) matter while the quantized matter of the universe becomes
dense only gradually through a string of cardinal alignments in time. The
universe is dense time, which is an angular space. An angular 90º potential
separates the universe and its embedded dense matter. They behave inversely
proportionally. The surrounding space of the universe is made of the future
time while the inner space of the present matter is made of the past time
(convex/concave or a 90º difference)

The density is changing only through the cardinal alignments of its underlying
waves and vice versa – the waves (motions) change only through the cardinal
alignments of different dense shells. The gradual change of density is made
as a string of the cardinal alignments of its underlying waves and vice versa
– the gradual change of a wave is made as a string of cardinal alignments
of its underlying dense layers. A particle (density) is changing through a
string of cardinal alignments of its waves while a wave (motion of a particle)
is changing through a string of cardinal alignments in the density of its
particle. The universe is quantized inversely proportionally (mirror image)
from its embedded dense matter. The cardinal (quantum) alignments are the
essence of life. Life grows and expands through a string of quantum events
because the growth in the context of a single quantum is limited by its relative
space/time boundaries. Such quantum boundaries are surmounted in their gravitational
context when the space is resonant with time thus inducing an instant quantum
leap between the different quantum states. The cardinal alignments are gravitational
because they transcend the relative space/time boundary. The space and time
are in synchronicity when they are resonant. There is no angular potential
that separates them in the resonant (gravitational) points. There is no time
delay between two parallel spaces or the spatial distance between two parallel
times in such points. Two waves (or two dense layers) instantly merge in the
resonant (gravitational) points. The cardinal alignments add new dimensions
to life by surmounting the old patterns.

The future space is gained only with the conversion of the past time into
the present density in the same way that a future time is gained only through
the conversion of the past space in the present density. The time is an intermediary
in the conversion of the outer empty space into the inner dense space and
vice versa through which the life and its environment grow. The worlds grow
in time by converting the outer empty space of the cosmic environment into
the dense bodies of the universe. The dense cosmic bodies of the universe
are created through the crystallization of the empty space in time. The surrounding
empty environment is but a future dense body. One should take the same care
of the environment as one takes care of one’s inner dense body because
the environment is the future dense body. It is the future dense body in time
but also a parallel subtle body in space because of their inverse space/time
make-up. The environment, which is time of its embedded dense form, is a wave
that will become dense matter only in time. The waves are the present subtle
(partial) density but also the future full density because serial order in
time acts as the parallel order in space (and vice versa). The coherence between
the inner and the outer worlds is the essence of life because only a coherent
life and a coherent thought, which is supporting it, filters through the cardinal
alignments when the worlds merge. Only the resonance exists in the gravitational
framework. The relative space/time differentiation has no validity in such
points. The adaptation of life to its environment is a matter of coherence
but the material coherence stems from the subtle coherence of thought because
a thought is the underlying subtle density (wave) of its outer dense form.
The dense form follows the pattern of its underlying thought (wave).

The outer space is converted into the inner time and the outer time is converted
into the inner space through a string of cardinal alignments 90? or ¼
curvature apart (light speed difference). The polynomial string of the intermittent
reversals and advances of the present orbital motion (time) is a string of
its gravitational negations. ¼ precession creates an angular 90º
potential, which separates space from time (light speed difference). ¼
precession is a quantum (gravitational) boundary in time of the present space
or alternatively – it is a gravitational boundary of the present time
in the surrounding (4D) cosmic space. The string of the subsequent motions
periodically regressing and advancing each other act in a similar way. ¼
of the outer (precessional) curvature limits the inner curvature. ¼
regression (or advance) is the boundary of space in time or the boundary of
time in space. The regression/advance is a reaction in time of the spatial
motion. It is the gravitational limitation of time created by such a spatial
motion. ¼ is a quantum of such motion. It is a gravitational quantum
of time. The string of such ¼ alignments between the subsequent motions
triggers the exponentially larger cardinal alignments. It induces the exponentially
larger quantum leaps and the exponentially larger conversion of an outer space
into the inner time and vice versa. The string of alignments truncates the
larger periods of time between the parallel spaces and the larger spatial
distances between the parallel times thus inducing the correspondingly larger
change of density (and the change of its corresponding waves of energy). The
string of alignments truncates progressively larger number of the angular
90º potentials, which are separating the space from its corresponding
time. They create the correspondingly larger gravitational change, which is
a correspondingly larger change of density. The density does not change only
as long as the space differs from time. It remains stable only as long as
the angular (gravitational) potential separates the space from its corresponding
time. The density and its underlying pattern of waves (motions) remains constant
only as long as the precession is less than ¼ curvature because ¼
is a cardinal point, which triggers an instant quantum leap.

Earth has 4 spatial cardinal points – east/west and north/south in
the same way that the rotational wave has 4 cardinal points of time –
the dawn, sunset and two zeniths, each 1 min in the duration. The cardinal
points are separating a day into 4x6 hr cycles. All the cardinal alignments
create 4 min synodic/ sidereal difference. Similarly, 4 cardinal points of
the orbital wave are two solstice/equinox sets, which are dividing a year
into 4 seasons of 3 months each. 4 cardinal points of the orbital precessional
wave (perihelion advance) in the same way divide one 20736-year period into
4x5184-year periods dividing it into the 4 different worlds. Every world is
a different gravitational quantum. Every world is made of the relatively different
space/time division. Consequently, every world represents relatively different
density of Earth and relatively different mode of its rotational/orbital motion
(waves). The orbital is a reaction of the rotation in the same way that the
precession is a reaction of the orbital motion. The precession limits the
orbital motion in the same way that the orbital motion limits rotation. The
precession is time, which is curving the orbital in the opposite direction
in the same way that orbital is the time, which is curving the rotation. The
precession limits the linear flow of time, which is an angular potential created
by interaction between the rotation and orbital motion. The rotation and orbital
are limiting the present space by curving it in opposite (convex/concave)
directions. The precession limits the time. The rotational/orbital interaction
creates time of the present space (Earth) but the precession creates its gravitational
environment, which is limiting inversely proportionally the present space
(density of Earth) and its time (rotation/orbital).

The precession limits inversely proportionally the orbital and the rotation
(light speed difference), because the orbital acts as the time of the rotation.
The orbital and the rotation are divided by an additional angular potential.
Consequently, the orbital precessional cycle (orbital advance) is a 4x5184=20736-year
period while the rotational precessional cycle (rotational regression) is
a 5x5184=25920-year period. A 5184-year period is a synodic/sidereal eccentricity,
which is separating such recursive motions. It is a time, which is separating
two dense spheres. It is a time, which is separating the dense sphere of Earth
from its corresponding dense solar sphere, because an orbital is not motion
but an instant dense shell of the solar space. The validity of the present
time is limited by the present space (Earth). Such time has no validity in
the solar (4D) space. An orbital is the instant dense shell of the solar space.
An orbital is a parallel solar dense shell wrapped around the present dense
shell (Earth). 5184-years (or 5200 years of 360 days each) is an angular potential
(quantum) separating the rotation from the orbital. The time is surrounding
4D space but the density such time creates in its interaction with the space
is 5D space. The orbital acts as the time of its underlying dense shell created
by rotation. The rotation is not time but an uncertain space from the orbital
perspective. The time division created by Earth’s rotation has no validity
in the outer space because such time is smeared all over the Earth’s
surface. The orbital acts as the time of such rotational space (dense Earth)
but the precession acts as the time (duration) of time. It acts as the time
of the orbital and as the gravity of the rotation, which is a light speed
difference (angular 90º difference).

There is no time discrepancy or a delay between the rotation and orbital.
The difference is only spatial. Such spatial difference is the angular potential,
which creates the linear flow of time. The difference between the size of
rotation and the size of the orbital creates time as the gravitational potential
of such interaction. The quantum of such spatial interaction is a synodic/sideral
difference. The time multiplies such difference thus creating the precessional
motion, which is gradually advancing the orbital and regressing the rotation.
The precessional motion is a gravitational potential. It is the time of such
an orbital/rotational interaction. It is the time in which the difference
between the rotation and orbital remains only a spatial difference. The difference
becomes a time difference when such a spatial synodic/sideral difference becomes
a quantum of time, which is ¼ precession in the orbital context or
1/5 precession in the rotational context (5184 years). ¼ precession
limits the flow of time. It limits the constancy of the rotational/orbital
interaction. The difference is only spatial in less then ¼ precession.
In ¼ precession it becomes the time difference, which will change the
rotation in its orbital background. The change of rotation will change the
rotational/orbital potential, which is linear time flow. It will change the
time; hence it will also change the spatial density because a change of time
must induce a corresponding spatial change and vice versa. The gravity transcends
the relative space/time division; therefore a time change must be offset by
an inverse spatial change and vice versa. ¼ precession is a gravitational
framework (quantum) of the present space/time division. The spatial potential
(4 min synodic/sidereal difference) is unwinded and converted into an equal
and opposite potential of time (5184 years) in ¼ precession (the overriding
gravitational potential, which is regulating the duration of the spatial density).

The difference between rotation and orbital is gradual (spatial) as long
as it is less than ¼ quantum. Such a difference behaves as an uninterrupted
flow of time and as the immutable density of Earth only in less then ¼
precession. The change is abrupt (quantum leap) in the cardinal points of
alignment, when a spatial difference is matched by an equal and opposite time
difference. A spatial difference between the rotation and orbital, which is
responsible for the linear time flow, becomes a time difference in the context
of their subsequent precessions (6480-5184=1296 years discrepancy), which
is responsible for the abrupt termination of such linear time. The gravitational
coherence must be maintained all the time. The spatial discrepancy is matched
by the linear time, while the time discrepancy is matched by an instant space.
The abrupt termination of the present time is a consequence of the instant
alignment between the present (3D) space and the solar (4D) space. The time
changes the space gradually but the space changes the time abruptly because
of their inverse space/time make-up (angular 90º difference). ¼
precession is a quantum of the time flow. It is a phase (¼) of a wave.
Two parallel waves are resonant when one is shifted for a phase in the background
of another wave. Two resonant waves merge creating a residual wave, which
is either an amplified wave or a weakened wave, depending on the phase shift.
A phase shift will weaken it but two phases shift will amplify it. Such an
altered wave will also alter its corresponding density. It will fortify the
present density with an additional frequency or it will defuse the present
density with a release of a frequency. It will integrate an outer gravitational
frequency (time) into its electromagnetic spectrum of frequencies (the dense
space) or it will release an electromagnetic frequency from its spectrum (dense
space) converting it into an outer gravitational frequency (time). A one-phase
shift is a partial space/time shift, which is weakening the present density,
but a two-phase shift is a complete gravitational shift, which strengthens
it. Alternatively, a one-phase shift fortifies time by collapsing space while
two-phase shift fortifies space by collapsing time.

1296-year time discrepancy as a ¼ of the 5184-year period (quantum)
between the orbital and rotational precession is responsible for the spatial
density in the same way that 1 min as a ¼ of the spatial synodic /sidereal
difference is responsible for the flow of time. It is inertia (eccentricity)
between two gravitational waves, which are maintaining Earth’s density
through the orbital/rotation constancy. 1296-year period is a gravitational
quantum (¼ time), which is an angular 18? time difference of the entire
72º potential (1/5 of 360º). 6x6x6x6=1296 years in the serial (linear)
order corresponds to 6+6+6=18º in the parallel (angular) order. 4-fold
serial replication, which is matched by the 3-fold parallel replication, is
a reflection of the fractal ¾ potential that separates the present
3D space from its corresponding time (angular or 4D space). The outer ¾
gravitational potential is matched by an inner 2/3 gravitational potential
(light speed difference). The 2/3 potential is resonant in 2x3=6-fold multiplication.
Such an inner potential of the dense matter is resonant with its outer environment
in the cardinal points of the serial (time) alignments (72²=5184 years)
because such a time period creates a 72º spatial potential (quantum of
4D space). There is no difference if the precession is seen as one eccentric
gravitational motion or as two antiparallel symmetrical (space/time) motions,
which are interfering with each other. The interference of the separate antiparallel
motions creates a gravitational potential of their overriding eccentric motion.
The rotational regression is 72º while the orbital advance is 90º.
The inertia of their angular potential is 18º (their synodic/sideral
difference). 18º is a measure of their coherence. 18º discrepancy
is a partial increment of the larger cycle overshadowing and regressing the
smaller cycle, which will become a quantum in 5x18=90º curvature. It
will become a 1/5 quantum of a larger 129600-year wave in 5184x5=25920 years.

Alternatively, it will become a quantum in 4x18=72º curvature, which
is a 103680-year wave (low orbital eccentricity portion of the entire Milankovich
cycle). 25920 years is a quantum (synodic/sidereal difference) of a 129600-year
wave in the same way that 5184 years is a quantum of a 25920-year wave. The
precession (rotational regression/orbital advance) is only finite (material)
projection of the polynomial infinity in which the recursive cycles intermittently
regress and advance each other through their mutual interference. The recursion
is 5-fold. The 18 º discrepancy (eccentricity) between the orbital and
rotational precession is an increment of the larger 129600-year wave, which
is overshadowing and interacting with it, in the same manner that a synodic/sideral
difference between the rotation and orbital is an incremental shadow of their
superimposed precessional motion. The precession is a residual angular potential,
which is created by the orbital/rotational interaction, in the same way that
a larger 129600-year cycle is a residual potential of the interaction between
the orbital advance and the rotational regression. 129600-year cycle regresses
the orbital advance and it advances the rotational regression. Similarly,
the 648000-year cycle is a residual angular potential of the interference
between 129600-year waves and 103680-year waves. The 72? rotational regression
(precession of the equinoxes) is a residual potential created by the interference
between two antiparallel motions – one regressing rotation for 90º
in parallel with the orbital advance and another one advancing it in opposite
direction for 18º thus creating an overall effect of the 72º regression.

The horizontal (parallel) symmetry between the rotational regression and
the orbital advance is broken by 18º of angular (serial) asymmetry. 18º
residual potential is inertia of such interaction. It is the time, which is
separating two antiparallel (rotational/orbital) precessional motions in space.
18º eccentricity is inertia of a particle in the context of a perfect
90º (light speed) wave thus creating an imperfect particle/wave (space/time)
duality with a corresponding 72º potential. It is inertia of a dense
Earth in its precessional wave in the same way that synodic/sideral eccentricity
is inertia of Earth in its rotational and orbital waves. 4 min inertial difference
in the rotational context is extended to a 1-day difference in the orbital
context and to 5184 years in the 25920-year precessional context (or 25920-year
difference in the 129600-year cycle etc). The time discrepancy reflects the
inertia (friction) created by Earth in its motion through the string of the
surrounding cosmic densities surrounding it. Earth features as an inertia
of all the recursive cycles because it is their inertia. It is a particle
at the heart of the polynomial infinity of the progressively larger gravitational
waves spreading around it in the concentric circles. Alternatively, Earth
is a dense effect in the focus of their mutual interaction. The outer universe
is a projection in time of the present spatial Earth because the gravitational
balance must be maintained. The space of Earth is projected in time of the
universe and vice versa – the time of Earth is projected as the space
of the universe. The overall effect is that universe must be a mirror image
of Earth (or any other dense cosmic body) but such universe is a relative
universe, which has no validity beyond the present space/time division. Such
universe does not exist beyond the boundaries of present time (5200 years)
or beyond the boundaries of present space (solar system as the inner solar

The universe is a holographic projection of Earth (angular 90º difference,
which is a light speed difference between space and time). Earth is the single
discrete unit (quantum) of its surrounding universe. The only objective interpretation
is where the subjectivity of the observer is recognized as the quantum (gravitational
essence) of the observed manifestation. The observer induces the manifestations;
hence they cannot be objectively described. The only objective interpretation
is where such subjectivity is recognized as the essence of the observed reality.
The impersonal reality is experienced only personally but also vice versa
– an impersonal experience creates a personal reality. The gravitational
balance must be maintained at all the times. The relative personal/impersonal
division has no validity in the gravitational context because an outer environment
is a reaction of an inner dense body. The present environment is the future
dense body in the same way that the present dense body is the past environment.
The personal observation generates an impersonal universe but an impersonal
observation will generate a personal universe, where an impersonal universe
is only a less personal universe because its quantum space/time boundaries
are expanded by a factor of light speed. Similarly, Earth as the focal point
of its surrounding universe, creates the polynomial infinity of waves with
its presence in the same way that a falling stone disturbs the calm water.
The polynomial succession of the gravitational waves surrounding it (recursive
motions around the progressively denser core) is a consequence of the present
density (size) of Earth.

The successions of waves, which will become the denser spatial spheres in
time, are echoing the Earth’s present density. They echo the present
spatial inertia in time. The universe reflects the present gravitational coherence
of Earth in the future time while its underlying microcosm reflects it in
the past time. Every time cycle multiplies it in space by dividing it in time
and vice versa on a larger scale. The gravitational waves surrounding Earth
(cosmic motions) project inertia (resistance) of the present earth’s
density in different scales of the future time (light speed difference). They
are its destiny. They are reflecting the Earth’s present in the future
times in the same way that the underlying electromagnetic waves are reflecting
it in the past times. 1296-year inertial difference between 5184 and 6480-year
precessional cycles is expanded to 5184-year difference between 20736 and
25920-year waves on the next quantum level and than to 25920-year difference
between 103680 and 129600-year waves etc. The universe becomes dense in 5-fold
repetition of ¾ waves created by the present 6D density (fractal 3/2
density, which is the complete duration of the present 3D space). The quantized
shells of the universe wound up around the present Earth are replicating the
inertia (density) of the present Earth, which is an 18º or a triple 6
potential also reflected in the 18-year nodal cycles of Moon.

The cardinal alignments, which are triggering a quantum leap in 4 cardinal
points, are the dimensional (light speed) change. They are bridging the gap
of time between two parallel spatial densities (or between the present and
the future density). Every cardinal (quantum) change is gearing up the evolution
on a higher level of time when all the possibilities of a gradual change in
the present time are exhausted. Inertia (resistance) of time is surmounted
only through the gearing up of time. It is surmounted only by a change of
the quantum (gravitational) state by altering the relative space/time ratio.
The succession of 5 alternating changes will exhaust all the possibilities
of the particular time cycle (time wave) thus prompting the gearing up to
a next level in which the same 5-fold recursion is repeated on a larger scale
(light speed difference). The 5-fold multiplication on a lower level acts
as a quantum on the higher level. The 5-fold multiplication on one level is
the 1st out of 5 multiples on the next level. The smaller inner 5-fold sets
(microcosm of dense matter) are condensed until they eventually reach a point
of a fine gradient while the larger outer sets (empty space of universe) are
diluted into exponentially coarser steps. The outer universe is an atom turned
inside out and upside down - the time of an atom will become space of the
universe while the time of universe will become the space of an atom. The
gravitational lens acts as a concave prism from one side and as a convex prism
from the opposite side. The spatial coherence, which is resulting in the present
dense matter (Earth), is offset by the spatial dispersion, which is resulting
in an empty space of the surrounding universe. The spatial coherence is offset
by an equal and opposite incoherence in time and vice versa thus crating a
double spiraling causal thread. What one thread unfolds another one enfolds.
The convex prism wraps up what the concave prism unwraps. The symmetry of
two asymmetrical appearances must be maintained at all times (or the asymmetry
of two symmetrical appearances).

The spatial certainty is built on the possibilities of time and vice versa.
The string of 3 cardinal alignments in 5184, 25920 and 129600-year intervals
converts 3 possibilities of the future time into certainty of its dense space.
Alternatively, it converts certainties of the present 3D space into the possibilities
of the future space. Such cardinal alignments curve all 3 directions of the
present space in an angular direction thus creating an angular 3D space (3D
spatial density of the present time). 5184-year alignments perturb rotation
in the unchanged orbital context. They change the rotation without changing
the present plane of ecliptic. 25920-year alignments perturb the orbital motion
in the unchanged rotational context. They change the plane of ecliptic. They
are the angular changes of the linear 5184-year changes. 129600-year changes
do not affect only the time by changing rotational/orbital ration. They affect
the density (space) of Earth. They are not only the changes of the waves.
They change the particle at the heart of such inversely proportional (space/time)
waves. They do not change only the surrounding environment of Earth but Earth
itself. They perturb its dense layers unlike the lesser alignments, which
do not penetrate below the surface of Earth. The lesser events, which affect
the pattern of motion, are incomplete (partial) changes of density. They change
only 2 out of 3 spatial directions. They affect only the underlying pattern
of energy but not the density. The density is changed only when all 3 spatial
directions are perturbed (inverted). 5184-year alignments (one-phase shifts)
induce only a reversible ¼ swing of the west/east rotation in an angular
(north/south) direction when the galactic attraction prevails over the solar
attraction. 10368-year alignments (two-phase shifts) trigger an irreversible
north/south flipover, which is ½ quantum of the angular rotation. The
angular rotation is a reply in time to the present (horizontal) rotation.
It is a parallel rotation in an angular (solar or 4D) space.

The Earth’s obliquity is a fraction of such an angular rotation frozen
in the present time. An angular rotation intersects the present rotation only
when the present time is truncated because they are mutually incompatible
(light speed difference). An angular rotation is a rotation in the subsequent
(solar) space, which is separated from the present space by an angular 90º
potential. It is a motion in the subsequent (future) quantum state, which
is resonant with the present motion only in the cardinal points of their interaction.
The present time does not exist in the future (solar) space. It exists only
as its instant dense space. The rotation in the solar space is a rotation
around a denser galactic center, which Sun orbits together with Earth. Earth
participates in such motion only in the cardinal points when inertia of the
present time is surmounted. It participates in such motion only when the present
motion is brought to a halt. It participates in the motion of the solar dense
space (Sun) only when the present time, which is separating the present space
from the solar space, is abridged. The present obliquity of Earth (axial inclination
in the plane of ecliptic) is a segment of such an angular motion, which is
frozen in the present time. The obliquity behaves when time ends in the same
way that ecliptic behaves in time. It acts as the galactic plane of ecliptic
in which Sun together with a host of other stars revolve around the denser
galactic center. The obliquity is a particular state in the galactic/solar
gravitational tug of war. Such a constant of the present time becomes a variable
of the solar (accelerated) time. Such a constant of time becomes a gravitational
variable because an accelerated time behaves as the present gravity. The rotation
is not time (wave) but an additional layer of earth’s spatial density
in the solar context. The rotation is toppled over in solar context. It is
an angular (north/south) motion, which is facing galaxy rather then Sun.

The solar gravity is dominant force only in the present time. The galactic
gravity dominates in the subsequent (solar) time. The present time (rotation)
is truncated on the subsequent level in the interest of an increased spatial
coherence. The future time (solar motion) induced by the galactic attraction
filters down in the present space only in the cardinal points when the present
time is abridged. The galactic gravitational pull is dormant only in the present
time of Earth but not beyond its quantum boundaries. The galactic gravitational
pull overcomes the solar gravity, which is reverted to status of an inner
electromagnetism with no effect on its outer environment with emergence of
Earth into the solar density in the cardinal points. The present time ends
and rotation is brought to a halt with the emergence of Earth into the solar
density. The present rotation in the ecliptic (facing Sun) is superimposed
by an angular rotation (facing the galaxy) in the solar space, which is similar
to Uranus’ toppled rotation. The progression of obliquity through a
string of the outer planets is culminating in the Uranus’ toppled rotation.
The obliquity is a measure of the galactic gravitational attraction, which
is proportional with the increase in the distance from Sun. Further away,
Neptune is toppled over two times and Pluto is toppled four times but it is
not apparent without a contrast between space and time. Only the one-phase
(or an odd-phase) shift provides an angular space/time contrast. The two-phase
(or an even phase) shift changes the gravitational context of the space/time
division. It does not change only the space in the background of an unchanged
time (or vice versa) thus revealing the relative space/time difference. It
changes space and time in equal proportions. An absolute (gravitational) change
is twice as large change then only a change of space (or time) but it remains
hidden in the absence of a contrast.

Only a relative (comparative) change is perceivable. A complete change behaves
as no change. Only the partiality creates the space/time contrast. Consequently,
only ½ of the change is apparent but the whole change remains obscured.
Only an action without its reaction (or vice versa) is apparent in the material
background because an action in space will have a reaction only in time (or
vice versa). The whole (gravitational) change is lacking in contrast. It remains
obscured in the same way that a brighter light will obscure a fainter light.
The 4-fold toppling of the Pluto’s rotation is a quantum boundary of
the 4D (solar) space. ¼ can be repeated only 4 times before the quantum
boundary of the next (galactic) density is reached. The solar dominance ends
with the Pluto’s orbital distance because it is the boundary between
the present 3D space and the solar 4D space. The outer gravity, which is responsible
for an empty space surrounding Earth, becomes the inner electromagnetism of
dense solar shell beyond it. Pluto is 6 light hours or ¼ rotation away
from Sun. ¼ is a quantum. The present size of Earth twisted by 90º
in an angular direction becomes non-existent. The present space is twisted
in time (an angular space) by a quantum (the size of Earth) in the Pluto’s
orbital distance. Earth is below a horizon of such time curvature of the present
space and vice versa – the present 3D space beyond Pluto’s orbital
is curved beyond the horizon. Only the 4D solar space remains beyond such
boundary. The present time is twisted by 90º thus becoming the future
(solar) space. Pluto’s orbital distance is a cardinal point of the present
time in the future (solar) space in the same way that ¼ precession
(5200 years) is a cardinal point of the present space in the future (solar)
time. They twist (regress) the present rotation (time) in inversely proportional
(convex/concave) spatial directions. They twist it by a ¼ in the parallel
(angular) and serial (horizontal) spaces or vice versa – they twist
the present size (¼ sphere) in the horizontal and angular times.

The angular inclination (obliquity) coupled with the orbital eccentricity
is a measure of coherence between the solar and galactic angular potentials.
The rotation of the outer planets becomes progressively more oblique and their
orbitals become progressively more eccentric with the distance from Sun. The
boundary is reached with the Pluto’s eccentric orbital, which is intersecting
the Neptune’s orbital. The eccentricity and obliquity accumulate in
the distance of space (or through a time difference). An increase in the rotational
obliquity and an increase in the orbital eccentricity are commensurate with
an increase in the galactic attraction. The round solar orbital will become
an infinitely eccentric string and the rotation will be toppled over under
the influence of the galactic attraction. The pattern of such gradual spatial
changes in obliquity and eccentricity becomes a pattern of the quantized changes
in time because space on one level acts as the time on another level. The
gradual horizontal (spatial) change is a reply to an equal and opposite angular
(time) change. All the planets periodically emerge into the solar density
(cardinal alignments), which triggers an instant adjustment to the new galactic
environment. The distant space is matched by a future time; hence all the
planets topple their rotation when a static obliquity frozen in time becomes
a dynamic angular rotation, which is facing the new dominant power of galaxy.
The periodicity and the duration of the emergence into the solar density (cardinal
alignments) are proportional with the orbital distance. All the possibilities
of an angular shift are exhausted in 4 successive events. Such angular shifts
create an angular momentum, which will keep the rotation alive in the next
period of time.

The 5th event at the end of a 26000-year period will introduce an additional
horizontal (east/west) swing at the end of a string of such angular (north/south)
shifts when Earth is aligned with a larger cosmic density. The present east/west
rotation is overlaid by an angular north/south rotation, which is activated
only through the 5200-year cardinal alignments. Such an angular rotation is
overlaid by yet another antiparallel east/west rotation, which is activated
through the 26000-year cardinal alignments. This is again overlaid by yet
another antiparallel angular rotation, which is activated through the 129600-year
cardinal alignment. Such a string of the conflicting rotations corrects the
exponentially larger eccentricity, which is accumulated in the exponentially
larger periods of time. A horizontal synodic/sidereal eccentricity, which
is unbalancing the rotation over a long period of time, is corrected only
by an equal and opposite angular eccentricity. Such an angular eccentricity
is introducing a larger angular imbalance, which is corrected only by an equal
and opposite horizontal eccentricity, etc. The reply to the present gradual
rotation of Earth is a polynomial infinity of the superimposed quantized rotations,
which intermittently reverse Earth in the angular and the horizontal directions.
The cardinal alignments in larger then 130000-year periods do not only affect
the rotation and orbital motion of Earth. They affect the entire ecliptic.
They affect all the planets in the present ecliptic because they are the abrupt
changes of the solar revolution in its galactic background. They affect the
precessional motion of Earth, which is a shadow in the present time of such
a solar motion in the solar time (light speed difference).

All the lesser motions (the rotation and its overlaid angular and horizontal
reversals) do not feature in the solar time. Such a 4-fold layer of the intermittent
reversals is featuring only as an instant 4D density of the solar matter.
The larger solar events are electrogravitational events. The gravitational
change of the solar environment (change of motion) behaves as an inner electromagnetic
change of the galactic matter. Such events invert the inner galactic polarity,
which is reflected in the particular position of the ecliptic. It triggers
a quantum change in the inner electromagnetic make-up of the galactic dense
matter. It triggers a single quantum change of energy, which is underlying
the galactic dense make-up. The solar dense shell behaves as an atom of the
galactic density. Such a single change of the corresponding electromagnetic
charge will have a partial and reversible effect on the ecliptic in the 1st
and 3rd quarters but also a complete and irreversible effect in the 2nd and
4th quarters. The cycle is exhausted with a 4-fold repetition. The 5th event
at the end of a 648000-year cycle introduces not only an angular inversion
but also a pulse of the entire ecliptic. 648000-year periodicity is a rhythm
of the solar pulsation under the influence of the galactic gravitational pull.
They induce the multiple numbers of the angular (north/south) rotational cycles.
They are exponentially longer segments of the galactic orbital of Earth and
other planetary bodies.

The electromagnetic changes in the dense make-up of galaxy, which occur in
25920-year periods, will cascade down and affect the solar electromagnetic
balance in 129600-year periods (light speed difference) and earthly electromagnetic
balance in 648000-year events (electromagnetic reversals). Similarly, 5184-year
events, which alternate the cosmic electromagnetic balance, will trickle down
into the Earth’s density in 3.24 mill-year events. Such alignments are
twice larger (exponential) changes of the Earth’s electromagnetic make-up.
They do not affect only the solar density but the entire cluster of stars
orbiting the denser galactic center. The 1296-year pulsation of the subsequent
cosmic density will disperse through the subsequent dense layers of time (angular
space) to reach the present density (Earth) in 16.2 mill-year cycles. They
are inflicting even more essential physical change of the Earth’s electromagnetic
make-up because they invert all 3 spatial directions. The 259.2-year cosmic
pulsations of life will arrive on Earth in 81 mill-year intervals while the
subsequent 51.84-year pulse of life will arrive on Earth in 2 bill-year intervals.
A pulse of the cosmic heart, which is beating at the rate of 72 per min will
take an innumerable billions upon billions of years to resound on Earth but
by then not only the present Earth but also its entire universe will be gone
long ago not only once but many, many times over.

The present rotation has no validity beyond the boundaries of the present
time (¼ precession and/or Pluto’s orbital). Earth rotates facing
galaxy together with Sun in the context of solar time (light speed difference).
The string of cardinal alignments, which are thrusting Earth into the solar
density, is an uninterrupted motion in the solar time. The present rotation,
which is separating such angular rotation in the long periods of inactivity,
does not feature as time but only as an instant dense space in the solar context.
The present time is separated from the solar time by an angular 90º potential.
Consequently, even an infinitely long period of the present time behaves only
as an instant in the solar context. It behaves as a single dense point. The
duration of the present time features only as a particular density of the
solar space. The longer period of time creates a denser space while the shortest
period of time creates less dense space. Such a dense point created by the
present time participates in an angular motion of the solar density. The present
time is induced by the present gravitational potential of the surrounding
space. Such gravitational waves of Earth (rotation/orbital) behave as the
inner electromagnetic vibrations of the overriding solar density. The outer
gravitational waves (kinetic energy of the motion) are driven underground
and converted into the inner electromagnetic waves (potential energy of the
size) with a light speed inversion between two subsequent densities of space.

The rotational cycle is a segment (quantum) of the larger orbital, which
is its subsequent polynomial harmonic. Consequently, even the orbital is progressively
elongated by the galactic attraction in the larger time periods. The periods
of the angular rotation of Earth in the cardinal points are elongating the
solar orbital in the galactic direction. The induced orbital eccentricity
is directly proportional with the duration of such angular rotation. The induced
eccentricity is reflected as the variation of velocity (time) between the
perihelion and aphelion, which accompanies the spatial eccentricity of orbital.
The round solar orbital is eventually through the string of exponentially
larger cardinal alignments gradually transformed into an eccentric string,
which is forming a part of the galactic orbital. The solar/galactic attraction
is balanced only in a round solar orbital. The elongation of that orbital
is a measure of the prevalence of the galactic attraction. Such an eccentric
string acts as a yo-yo, which is bouncing to and from Sun. It gathers momentum
until the quantum boundary is eventually breached in the cardinal (resonant)
point when the galactic attraction prevails permanently and irreversibly.
The partial participation in the galactic orbital becomes the full 360º
participation with such transformation. The galactic round orbital is similarly
a product of a balance between the galactic attraction and the attraction
of its cosmic background. The cosmic background will in the due time also
extricate the orbiting body from the galactic orbital through a string of
advancing cardinal alignments. The capture by the galactic attraction is paid
with the solar expulsion. It is an inevitable consequence of the cumulative
process of the gradual expansions of the planetary density, which is in line
with the increased eccentricity of its orbital and in line with the gradual
build up of the angular momentum of its rotation. The solar orbital ends when
the planetary density becomes evenly balanced with the solar density through
a string of alignments that gradually truncate the difference. The solar rotation
ceases when the planetary body has grown to become a new star on a pair with

The parallel solar and galactic orbitals are created by the perpetual solar/galactic
tug of war. They intermittently interrupt each other in the cardinal points.
Their gravitational embrace creates an intertwined double helix with one thread
in the present time and another thread in the solar time. Such two orbitals,
which are simultaneous on the gravitational plane, are separated by an angular
potential of time on the spatial plane. Alternatively, they are separated
on the level of time by an angular spatial potential. The outer thread, which
is acting as the gravitational potential (time), is counteracted by the inner
thread, which is acting as the electromagnetic potential (dense space). They
co-exist in the same space (or time) only on a subtle (partial) level as the
inversely proportional pattern of waves (motions). They are aligned on the
physical (dense) plane only through a string of the cardinal alignments. The
separation in time exists only in the present time because such time does
not feature in the solar context. The angular separation in the present time
becomes a spatial (horizontal) separation in the solar time (90º difference
between the parallel and serial order). The overall spiraling motion between
two gravitational centers submerges the gravitational waves by the emerging
electromagnetic wave with every ¼ turn. Such a pattern persists only
as long as the attraction of the 3rd gravitational center remains latent (less
than a quantum, which is less than ¼ turn). The residual potential
of the solar/galactic conflict gradually twists such a spiral in an additional
angular direction. The residual angular potential of their background cosmic
attraction will decide the outcome of the solar/galactic conflict by twisting
it either in an upward or a downward direction, in which the outer gravitational
waves will overcome the inner electromagnetic waves or vice versa. An overriding
string of cardinal alignments will decide the fate of the subordinate string
of cardinal alignments. An overriding cosmic motion will swing such conflict
in favor of the galactic attraction or in the favor of the solar attraction.

The intermittent solar/galactic orbital must be resolved either through a
permanent capture by the galactic attraction or through a permanent capture
by the solar attraction. The solar orbital will contract and the orbiting
planet will plunge into Sun in an absence of its extrication and a capture
by the galactic orbital. Alternatively, a new star, which is orbiting the
galaxy, is born from a dying planet in the resonant points when the galactic
attraction finally prevails. The galactic attraction is exponentially stronger
than the solar attraction. The planet must resist such attraction with an
additional density, which will transform it into a star. It is a process that
gradually unfolds through a string of the cardinal alignments. The pattern
is repeated on a larger scale. A star will in the fullness of its time again
gradually deteriorate to a point when the new galaxy is born from a dying
star (supernova). The alternative to such a development is when the attraction
of the dark core of galaxy prevails and a star is merged with it. Eventually,
the new universe must be born from a dying galaxy (big bang) or else the galaxy
will be swallowed by it. Earth is a potential star in the same way that Sun
is a potential galaxy. The potential is realized as a certainty only in time
but time is also only a potential of its overriding gravity; hence the development
can go two ways. The balance must be maintained all the time. The eventual
outcome is always decided by the inertial eccentricity. It is always decided
by the dense heart of the polynomial infinity of its subsequent waves. The
present dense body acts as the inertia (resistance), which is responsible
for the entire polynomial infinity of its possible outcomes. The present dense
body is a symmetrical point on the scale, which will create an asymmetry of
one side over another side, with its presence.

The focal point of the surrounding universe is its quantum, which will imbalance
a perfect symmetry and decide the eventual outcome. The eventual outcome is
always a matter of free will however great the odds might appear. The fulfillment
of free will is only a matter of time. The larger resistance will draw the
need for more time but an eventual outcome is certain. The individuality will
be maintained if that is the will but also vice versa. The individuality will
be maintained if such individuality has a purpose (the future galactic orbital
that will transform a planet into the star). It will not be maintained if
it does not have a purpose. It will not be maintained if it has no future.
It will not be maintained if the present orbital and the present density serve
as the final purpose. The past will be the purpose in the absence of the future
purpose. The purpose of the present density is to create the potential of
the future density, which will than be fulfilled in time. The present density
will become a potential of the future density in the absence of such a potential.
It will be fulfilled in time by taking a step back. The decision must be made
in the cardinal point to either take a step forward or a step backward because
both outcomes are equally possible in such resonant points. The inertia that
finds itself embedded in such a resonant environment will decide the future
course of action. The present inertia (density) is free to act when the environments
stops resisting it in the cardinal points. The future potential is created
consciously as a matter of will. The regression into the past certainty where
the present density will serve as its future potential is a matter of the
absence of will.

One must be born to live and to be born one must first die. One must overcome
the boundary when the opportunity is presented. The death is conquered by
life as a matter of will while life is conquered by death as a matter of an
absence of will. The vibratory pattern is responsible for the underlying subtle
density around which the dense matter is wrapped. The subtle density is separated
from the dense matter by an angular potential of time. The subtle density
is a potential of dense matter that will be on equal footing with it only
in time (in the cardinal point). The microcosm and macrocosm are made of a
polynomial infinity of the parallel/serial pulsations of life, which are separated
by an angular potential of time (or an angular potential of space because
an inner time is an outer space and vice versa). The universe and its embedded
dense matter act a hosting arrangement of life in which a dense life is created
as a residual potential of two conflicting life forms within and without.
Two dense life forms participate in creation of the 3rd life form sandwiched
in between. Two conflicting life forms create the new dense life by merging
their subtle (potential) densities. The life is a sharing effort created by
two resonant forms. Two conflicting life forms create a new dense form by
merging their spiritual (partial) densities. The dense life form on one level
exist only a subtle (potential) form on the next level (light speed difference).
The gap between the potential density and a certain density is bridged only
in the cardinal points when the time potential separating two dense spaces
is collapsed. The gap between the subtle (potential) and the dense (certain)
existence is bridged in the cardinal points if such a future density is envisaged
on a subtle plane. The cosmic rhythms of life pulsate in tune only in the
cardinal points. The birth of a potential (spirit) as a certain dense body
is possible only in the cardinal points. The succession of life goes through
the cardinal points of the gravitational resonance.

All the galaxies and all the stars pulsate with the rhythm of life but such
rapid cosmic pulsations are apparent only in the huge spatial distances as
the quasars and pulsating galaxies or alternatively, as the flaring stars
because only a spatial distance truncates the time difference and vice versa.
The effect of a convex prism (time) is cancelled only by an equal and opposite
concave prism (space). Only an infinite distance of space truncates an infinite
time. The future time is enfolded and condensed in a distance of space (universe)
in the same way that space is unfolded and condensed in a distance of past
time (embedded dense matter). The parallel separation (time) must be counteracted
by a serial separation (time) to be brought into a gravitational cohesion
with the present space and time. The time curves and densifies space but the
space also curves and densifies time (an angular space). The surrounding life
becomes apparent only in the large distances and correspondingly large time
differences because the universe is an inverted (backward) space/time. The
universe is the present dense matter turned inside out. Consequently, the
parallel life is found only on the boundaries of the present universe (light
speed difference). The intermediate life between Earth and the end of the
universe (light speed expansion) is twisted in an angular direction by the
angular potential of time, which is responsible for the spatial extent of
the universe. The life of the universe is in its angular recesses, which are
twisted and brought in line with the present space only by an infinite distance
(light speed difference). Only an infinite spatial distance uncoils the present
angular potential of time thus revealing its angular depth. Consequently,
only the distant stars and galaxies pulsate rapidly. Only the distant life
emerges from its angular obscuration.

The pulsations of the immediate cosmic environment are diluted through a
cascade of the enfolding time cycles, which are already integrated as additional
spatial dimensions of the cosmic life. The gravitational waves of the present
environment exist only as the inner electromagnetic spectra of the subsequent
cosmic dense layers. Only a subtle echo, which is diluted through a string
of recursive time cycles remains thus creating an impression of the enormous
time spans between the individual pulses. The microcosm amplifies the rapidity
in the same way that the cosmos dilutes it because of their inverse space/time
make-ups. The cosmos unwraps the additional time cycles from its density while
the microcosm wraps them up into its instant density. Consequently, microcosmic
pulsations are electromagnetic (spatial) while cosmic pulsations are gravitational
(time), which is a light speed difference between them. It is a difference
of all the time of the present space or a difference of all the space of the
present time, which creates an additional dense layer on every step of the
way. The instant density of the present matter is built on the rapidity of
its underlying electromagnetic pulsations but also vice versa – the
diluted density of the universe is a response to such slow gravitational pulsations.
All the matter pulsates with the same vibration (self-similarity), which are
out of tune only because of the angular difference (time) separating them.
It is the same pulse of life replicated on different scales. Time densifies
space of the universe but space also densifies time of its microcosm. Time
is densified in the past direction by curling up additional spatial dimensions
thus creating the dense matter while it is diluted in the future direction
by uncurling the additional spatial dimensions. Space and time are linear
or flat only in short distances. They are curled up many times over the long
distances thus creating a layer upon a layer of dense matter. Alternatively,
such dense layers are unpeeled in the form of many time cycles. The past time
is curled up and densified as the present matter while the future time is
uncurled and diluted as the surrounding empty space. The past times acts as
the certainty of the present space while the future times act as the potentials
(possibilities) of the surrounding cosmic space.

The time is curled up and densified proportionally with the distance of past
time and vice versa – it is uncurled and diluted proportionally with
distance of future time. The corresponding time periods are condensed in the
past direction and diluted in the future direction. They are twisted in inversely
proportional (convex/concave) angular directions of the past and future times.
Only an angular potential (subtle density) remains in the present linear time.
The past times hide additional angular dimensions of time in their curvatures
(enfolding of time and unfolding of space) while the future times hide additional
angular dimensions of space in their curvatures (unfolding of time and enfolding
of space). The past time truncates the duration of time while the future time
expands it. There are an infinite number of time periods hidden in the angular
potentials of its past segments. The long periods of past time are condensed
to appear as the short periods of time. An infinite past time is curved for
90º to appear as a point in time (the beginning of time). The gravitational
lensing is exponential with the distance of space and time. The time, which
appears as the few seconds after the big bang enfolds many complete cosmic
cycles from the big bang to the big crunch in its angular depth. On the other
side, the time, which appears as an infinite future time is only a brief point
in time diluted in immensity of the surrounding space. The short time is projected
as the large (and empty) space and vice versa – the long time is projected
in its small (and dense) space. Every past cycle truncates and densifies the
present time by wrapping it up. Such a time is acting as a finite (dense)
space. Conversely, every future cycle expands the present time by unwrapping
the present time into a linear flow. Such time is acting as an infinite (empty)
space surrounding the present density. There are billions of years of evolution
hidden in the seconds of the past time and vice versa - there are only seconds
of evolution in what appears as the billions of years of the future time because
balance must be maintained at all the times. It is the same spatial density
across the board in different scales of time.

The spatial distances of the outer universe or the distances of its
past time are an illusion because space and time are infinite distortion of
the finiteness of its opposite. The infinite space is a projection of the
finite time and vice versa –the infinite time is a projection of the
finite space because one curves the other in the opposite direction (convex/
concave gravitational lensing). The finiteness is a temporary and relative
curvature of an infinite direction but also vice versa. The big bang or the
formation of the solar system in a certain distance of time is only a horizon
of the particular spatial curvature of time. It is only a horizon (90º
angular potential) of the particular time cycle, which is only a starting
point (quantum) of a polynomial string of the exponentially larger time cycles.
It is a point in which the present time is curved for 90º or for ¼
of its entire curvature. Such a perception has no validity beyond the quantum
boundaries of the present time because the past is infinite and so is the
surrounding cosmic space. The past time (inner space) and the outer space
(future time) are made of a polynomial infinity of the nesting time cycles.
The cycles are subtle reflections of their corresponding dense layers. The
distances are infinite but they are manifested in the finite increments. The
present horizons reflect the materialistic limitations imposed upon it by
the present time. Every pulse in time surmounts such relative limitations
of space. They can be the raptures of joy or the convulsions of pain but every
pulsation in the fullness of its time truncates space for the sake of time
or vice versa. Every pulsation overcomes an angular potential separating the
particular spatial densities or the particular time cycles.

Every pulse curves the present time (gravitational wave) into the past time
(electromagnetic wave) thus densifying the present matter. Every pulse is
adding an additional angular twist to its past time, which drives it further
below the horizons of the present time so that a future incarnation of life
can start afresh and unburdened by the inertia of the past. The life would
be a finite circular development – there would be no angular gain unless
the past inertia is surmounted. Life evolves through the self-replication
because it multiplies through the division and divides through the multiplication.
The balance must be maintained - the loss of the past must offset the gain
of the future. The angular compression of the past provides the space for
the future. It is a polynomial infinity of the self-replicating sequences
on different scales. Life is self-replicating because it is made of a gravitational
coherence, which is double coherence in space and in time unlike its finite
manifestations that exist exclusively as coherent spatial or time manifestations
limited in their size and in their duration. Life is infinite because the
time coherence, which is a spatial coherence that is a step ahead on the evolutionary
ladder, takes over when the spatial coherence is dissipated in time and vice
versa. An incoherent time generates a coherent space and vice versa thus ensuring
an infinite gravitational succession of life, which transcends the relative
space/time limitations. The life is a coherent coherence, which is manifesting
itself in an infinite multitude of the incoherent forms and shapes, which
are limited in their duration (wave) by their underlying size (dense particle)
and vice versa.

The solar spatial orbital creates time while its subsequent pulsations, which
are quantized segments of the galactic orbital, create the spatial density
of Earth. The one supports another through their mutual resistance (inertia).
The density is a measure of coherence between space and time, which is their
gravitational (angular) potential; hence the density is an effect of the solar/galactic
tug of war. They create the outer gravitational spectra of the time waves
and inner electromagnetic spectra of the spatial waves through their interaction.
Such inversely proportional spectra will coalesce into a solid matter when
set against each other in the cardinal points of resonance. The density is
an angular potential (residue) of such interaction. The solar/galactic tugging
is responsible for the present density and for its gradual change in time.
Such a cosmic conflict gradually expands and densifies the planetary bodies
with the passage of time (and the distance of space). The one without the
other has no creative potential. The creative potential is in their mutual
interaction because only a conflict between two equal opposites creates a
residual (angular) potential. The creative potential is in the cardinal alignments
because an outer resonance creates an inner inertia (density). Only the incoherence
can be cohered, which is a relative quantity because a coherent space behaves
as an incoherent time and vice versa. The galaxy coheres an incoherent solar
space with its time thus generating underlying electromagnetic spectra of
the solar matter. The underlying electromagnetic spectra of the solar matter
behave as surrounding gravitational spectra of Earth. The dense solar space
acts as an empty space through which Earth moves in its orbital path.

The solar density in a similar way coheres the incoherence of the present
space with its time. The solar time acts as the present gravity, which is
responsible for the present density of Earth. The present electromagnetic
make-up of dense Earth is a reply to the outer gravitational potential of
its solar environment. The solar/galactic tug of war is reflected as a conflict
between the present gravitational potential, which is responsible for the
size of Earth and its underlying electromagnetic density. The spiraling embrace
of the coherent incoherence (electrogravity) descends on the surface of Earth
by repeating the same trick in the multitude of different dense forms, which
grow and decay through the perpetual gravitational/electromagnetic (repulsive/attractive)
conflict of their environment. The intertwined meandering spiral descends
below the present density by continuing the same creative process through
a polynomial infinity of the angular (microcosmic) densities. The life on
Earth is a by-product that is created in a solar/galactic conflict. It is
as above so below because every particular manifestation of life is created
in the creator’s image (the fractality). The solar/galactic forces are
the perfect matches of each other; hence their interaction, which is responsible
for the present density (Earth) is also a perfect reflection of such symmetry.
All the dense forms in the earthly environment are likewise created through
such supersymmetry (spatial symmetry set against the symmetry of time). The
gravitational potential, which is responsible for an infinite variety of different
space/time forms, transcends such temporary and relative division. The dense
form differ only in their spatial forms while they share the same time or
vice versa – they differ in time while they share the same spatial form
(parallel/serial order). The multitudes of the present dense bodies are cohered
into only one future dense body. Similarly, the present dense body is a finite
reaction of a polynomial infinity of the subtler bodies, which are its past
and its future bodies. Such relative divisions are limited by their quantum
(gravitational) boundaries. They have no validity in their overriding gravitational

The polynomial infinity of different forms on different dense levels are
relative projections of a self-interference. They are the multitude of relatively
different self-interferences on different quantum levels. Every form behaves
as a level higher up, which coheres a multitude of different forms on a lower
level with its gravitational potential. Alternatively, the lower level with
its inverse potential diffuses a single form on a higher level into a polynomial
infinity of different forms on a lower level. The single manifestation on
one level is refracted into infinite number of manifestations on another level
in the same way that a transparent light is refracted into a number of different
colors by the angular potential that separates two different densities. The
boundary between two densities refracts in one direction and it coheres in
the opposite direction with its angular potential. Every cardinal alignment
surmounts one such boundary by creating an equal and opposite boundary (coherence
within acts as incoherence without and vice versa). The density sharply bends
the space in time or vice versa with every gravitational pulse in time by
diffusing and cohering the present life. Every gravitational pulse that is
inducing the new state in the cosmic conflict acts as an angular potential,
which is responsible for the creative framework in which the life forms evolve
in time. It is responsible for the creation of the angular momentum, which
fosters the evolution in the subsequent time period. The space and time of
such a gradual development are the consequence of the cosmic interplay between
different densities of matter. Such different parallel densities of matter
behave as two serial densities in the present time. They behave as the present
and the future matter. The merging of the future matter with the past matter
creates the present matter. The present is an angular (residual) potential
of the interference between the possible future and its certain past, which
are the parallel spatial worlds evolving at a different rate. Their partial
coherence is responsible for the present coherence (Earth).

The universe is an array of the recursive spheres or cycles (curvatures).
What is in or out is a relative distinction, which depends on the perspective.
The outer environment is a string of the future dense bodies while the inner
density is made of the past environments frozen in perpetuity in a self-replicating
genetic pattern. The outer coherence behaves as the inner incoherence and
vice versa because of their inverse space/time make-ups. A convex gravitational
lens on one level acts as a concave lens on the next level. The dense form
is a consequence of the attraction generated by the prismatic action of the
angular potential, which is separating the dense form (space) from its environment
(time). Such a prismatic action densifies the inner space in synchronicity
with the diffusion of the outer space in the same way that a dense crystal
interacts with the energy by cohering it in one direction and dispersing it
in the opposite direction according to its fractal (symmetrical) pattern.
The spatial coherence, which is induced by the crystalline essence of the
gravitational potential, is at the heart of every dense form. The crystal
will in time build the self-replicating pattern of waves with its resonant
structure, which are the future (incomplete) density in making. Such a vibratory
pattern replicates its underlying gravitational essence by building up the
spectrum of electromagnetic waves. The generated electromagnetic waves are
slightly shifted in the phase and in the amplitude from each other due to
the inertial function of such a crystal. Such a crystal acts as the quantum
(particle) of all the subsequent waves by creating exponentially larger eccentricity
of the subsequent waves. The mutual interaction of two waves generates a residual
wave, which will interact with them thus creating yet another residual etc.

The polynomial interaction of such waves is building up the electromagnetic
spectrum of the particular dense matter. Such an electromagnetic density of
the present matter is instant because it is made of the past waves while the
gravitational density of its cosmic environment is built with the future waves.
The present density is a final result of such a gravitational crystal at its
heart while the universe only starts with the present matter (Earth or any
other dense cosmic body). The present matter is a gravitational crystal that
will densify the universe in time through its resonant structure. The spectral
imprint, which is created by the electromagnetic interaction, self-replicates
its underlying crystalline (gravitational) pattern on a larger scale, light
speed apart. It diffuses the certain gravitational structure into the polynomial
infinity of its different space/time possibilities. It diffuses the dense
particle (inertia) at its heart into the polynomial infinity of the subtle
(partial) harmonics. It diffuses the dense particle into the polynomial infinity
of the waves. Such a vibratory pattern is the heartbeat around which the future
density will coalesce and grow by repeating the same coherent time pattern
in the present space. The gravitational crystal at the heart of all waves
is a reply to the gravitational crystal of the present dense body. They are
two layers of dense matter separated by a pattern of waves in between. The
inner crystal diffuses the space in time while the outer crystal coheres time
in the present space thus creating a pattern of waves (subtle density) interpolated
between two dense layers, which are double light speed apart as per E/m=C².

The present density is a holographic projection of the past density at its
heart in the same way that the present density is the heart of the future
density of the universe. The gravitational coherence is completed only in
two inversely proportional steps – one in the horizontal direction and
another one in the angular direction. The gravitational potential is unfolded
in two inversely proportional steps – one in time and one in space.
The partial self-replication only on one level has no creative potential and
it must cease with the quantum boundaries of its space or time (¼ curvature).
The creative (gravitational) potential is generated as a residual potential
of the conflicting space/time potentials. The self-replication in space has
no creative power unless it has a succession in time, which will counteract
it. The dense body has no creative potential unless the subtle density of
its spirit confronts it. Only such a conflict will generate a residual potential
as its succession. The gravitational creativity, which is at the heart of
every matter, is a consequence of the particular resonant geometry. Such a
symmetrical structure (crystal) will through the resonance with its enveloping
environment induce a vibratory pattern. An environment acts as the time of
the inner spatial seed. The vibratory pattern will coalesce into a dense form
in the cardinal points (quantum boundaries). The vibratory pattern in the
present space (electromagnetic spectrum) is solidified into the dense matter
when embedded into the present time and vice versa – the vibratory pattern
in the present time (gravitational spectrum) is solidified into the dense
matter when embedded into the subsequent (solar) space.

The dense form and its underlying vibratory pattern, which is its subtle
shadow, are generated by double self-replication of their gravitational essence,
which is transcending the relative space/time division. The self-replication
in space set against an angular self-replication in time (the subsequent dense
layer) creates a gravitational manifestation of life. The space is coherence
of the triple gravitational (angular) potential (3D). The time, which is an
angular or subsequent (solar) space, integrates an additional angular potential
in its dense make-up (4D). The gravity, which is a residual potential of the
space/time interaction, integrates yet another angular potential in its density
(5D). The gravity is a shadow in the present space of the galactic density
in the same way that time is a shadow of the solar density. The time (solar
density) is a subtle harmonic (pattern of waves) separating the present density
(3D) from its subsequent galactic dense form (5D). The thread of time connects
all the spatial forms into a coherent (gravitational) whole because cardinal
points of time truncate the spatial distance separating them (quantum action
at distance, which reflects the underlying holography of space/time division).
The spatial coherence running through the thread of time must be confronted
by an equal and opposite coherence of time running through the thread of space
in order to complete the gravitational transformation of matter. The resonant
pattern (the spectrum of frequencies), which is fusing together all the space
and all the time, creates a gravitational crystal at the heart of every matter.
Life is a residual potential, which is created by the interacting convex/concave
gravitational lensing. The symmetrical pattern of such interaction is the
seed of life.

Such an abstract lens on the upper level is diffused into a polynomial infinity
of relatively different subtle (partial) lenses on the lower level. A denser
form on the upper level is diffused into a polynomial infinity of the less
dense forms on the lower level. A denser life form is built on the foundation
made of a number of interacting less dense life forms on a level, which is
light speed apart. The less dense forms are pulsating with the same rhythm
of life. They are coalesced around the same kind of the gravitational lens
as their overarching dense form but such a gravitational coherence becomes
the relative incoherence when separated into the space and time. The time
creates an angular twist to spatial coherence (or vice versa) thus shifting
the overall coherence out of tune but such temporary and relative incoherence
is limited by its quantum boundaries of space and time. Such space/time (partial)
incoherence has no validity in the gravitational framework. The life is built
on the recursion of coherent hosting arrangements. It is possible only as
a residual potential of coherent co-operation of life on different levels.
It is a process in which the life takes a part from another life on one level
only to surrender it with a profit of time to the life on a next level. The
universe is built on interaction of different life forms. There is nothing
else but a conscious life in the infinite space of the surrounding universe
or in the infinite time (angular space) of its underlying macrocosm. The world
is an effect of the multitude of different expressions and experiences on
different levels and in different intensities of the only one essence. It
is an infinite self-experience, which is simultaneously enfolding on many
levels and in many forms, but the degree of its certainty (duration) is a
personal choice.

The convex lens on one level acts as a concave lens on another level; hence
the self-replicating process is finalized only in two inversely proportional
steps. The concave lens sandwiched between two convex lenses or vice versa
is only partial self-replication – it is a finite self-replication,
which is limited by its space and time. The process of creating one life is
dual. Only a double negation creates an affirmation. Only a convex lens set
against a concave lens creates a neutral residual potential. Only two waves
(electromagnetic and gravitational) when set against each other create an
instant density of the surrounding empty space. Only two opposing thoughts
(waves) create a dense manifestation of life. The gravitational potential
of life is created only when two matching fractal (symmetrical) patterns are
measured against each other. The life in all its forms is an outcome of fractal
3/2 interaction, which is an interaction between a dense (whole) form and
its subtle (partial) form. The subtle form is a partial form of the overarching
dense form. A dense form exists only if it is embedded into an overarching
denser form, which is projected as the subtle form (spirit) of the less dense
form. A certainty of the particular dense form is justified only as a potential
(subtle) form of a denser form. The particular dense form of life is limited
by its size and in its duration unless it is a potential of the denser form.
The dense form is limited in its size and duration unless in tune (coherent)
with the denser hosting life form. The resonance of dense form with its environment
(projection of the surrounding denser form) sustains it. The degree of resonance
between its past and its future will determine its validity.

The life is limited by the degree of coherence between the inner electromagnetic
and the outer gravitational vibratory matrices. The future and the past are
the spatial worlds, which are parallel with the present world. They are the
worlds in the distance of a horizontal and an angular space. They are separated
either by a horizontal potential (spatial distance) or by an angular potential
(time difference). The interaction between the past and the future worlds
is enacted through the interaction between the inner electromagnetic and the
outer gravitational vibrations, because they are space and time (angular space)
of the same gravitational coherence. The future is just as certain in time
as is the past in space (now). The future is uncertain only in the absence
of time, which is an angular (4D) space. Two inversely proportional certainties
(dense matters) of the past and the future spaces project the present uncertainty
as an effect of their interplay. Two certain holographic shadows focused on
present time create an uncertain dense matter limited by its space and time
through double light speed coherence. The future is certain but its form is
a matter of choice, because the choice is the only certainty. The gravitational
potential, which is dispersing the present matter on one level, acts as an
electromagnetic potential, which is cohering the present matter on the next
level. They are the forces of time and space acting as a duality of the concave/convex
gravitational lens.

The unipolar (gravitational) potential acts as the bipolar (electromagnetic)
potential a step up the quantum ladder and also as a quadrupole potential,
two steps up the ladder. The solar electromagnetism unlike the Earth’s
bipolar electromagnetic field is dispersed through the additional angular
potential of time (gravitational potential). The solar density integrates
the present gravitational potential (time) of Earth into its electromagnetic
potential (space). The solar electromagnetic field is made of a quadrupole
potential in the equatorial east/west direction, which is embedded in a bipolar
north/south (angular) electromagnetic field. Such an arrangement of potentials
is creating a more complex hexagonal gravitational lattice of the solar matter.
The solar matter is twice as dense because it is created by the residual potential
of two electromagnetic potentials set against each other. The solar matter
fuses the present with the future density because it integrates the electromagnetic
potential (space) with the gravitational potential (time). The solar electromagnetism
is a quadrupole set against a dipole, which is creating the 8-fold residual
potential, unlike a simple dipole of its orbiting planets. The solar potential
has 8 interacting poles unlike only 2 poles of its orbiting planets. A set
of opposing electromagnetic potentials acts as a single gravitational potential
but also vice versa – a set of opposing gravitational potentials create
a residue of a single electromagnetic potential. The galactic electrogravitational
field, which is a residual potential of the interacting solar and earthly
potentials, integrates an additional dimension (angular potential) in its
density. The galactic electromagnetic field integrates not only the potential
of time as the solar density but also a potential of the present gravity.

Such an additional coherence of the galactic matter wraps the solar vibratory
pattern with an additional set of frequencies thus creating triple electromagnetic
layer – a dipole wrapped around a quadrupole, which is wrapped around
an octupole. The galactic electromagnetic field is an outcome 64 interacting
poles. It is a cosmic crystal with a 64-fold gravitational lattice. The subsequent
cosmic density is incorporating an additional angular potential (dimension),
which wraps the galactic matter with an additional set of the electromagnetic
frequencies. It creates a four-layered electromagnetic field with a 1024-fold
fractal gravitational lattice. 1024 interacting poles create such four-fold
density. The recursive layers of density create an additional dimensionality
of matter through an increased coherence of the underlying vibrations. They
extract an additional set of the coherent vibrations from its background incoherence
thus fortifying the present density and prolonging its duration. The multifold
potentials create the multifold certainty in time. An increase in the number
of potentials creates an exponential increase in the number of bonds holding
the matter together. An additional potential strengthens exponentially the
hold with which the present density is held together. It creates an exponentially
denser matter (light speed difference). The density is an effect of the gravitational
potential. The gravity is reduced as per inverse square of the distance while
its corresponding density is increased as per square of its angular potential.
The integration of an additional angular potential will increase the number
of the individual gravitational bonds (poles) within its crystalline structure
to 32768, 2097152 etc. The gravitational quantum at the heart of the matter,
which is made of 10 resonant potentials, has an almost infinite number of
bonds in its fractal lattice. The 10-fold potential is allowing for a development
of the infinitely complex dense forms through the recursive self-replication.

The time is just an illusion of space, which can be truncated to parallel
spaces, just as the space is only an illusion of time, which can be truncated
to parallel times. Consequently, the gravity is an inversely proportional
illusion of both (space and time), which can be truncated to parallel spaces
embedded in serial times (or vice versa). There is only one essence, which
is changing the polarity in a string of cardinal alignments. The space/time,
matter/energy and gravity/electromagnetism are only the relative/ temporary
expressions of such an essence, which is the focal point of its surrounding
universe and the dense body of its underlying microcosm. Such an arrangement
of the angular potentials embedded in the present dense matter creates a cube.
One set of the opposing sides is its space and time. They create a residual
angular potential of another set of opposing sides, which are its dense matter
(particle) and energy (waves). The angular (residual) potential of such an
interaction is the remaining set of the opposing sides, which are its electromagnetic
and gravitational potentials (attraction/repulsion). A cube is an overall
potential of the present 3D matter. The more complex (denser) matter is crated
in time with the integration of the additional potentials. Alternatively,
the more complex (denser) matter is the surrounding (parallel) density of
the universe. The matter/energy is twice certain space/time and vice versa
– space/time is a potential (subtle) matter/energy.

The attractive/repulsive potentials act as the bonds between space/time,
which are responsible for the dense matter and its energy (waves) but also
vice versa – the space/time act as the bonds between attraction/repulsion,
which are responsible for the creation of dense matter and its underlying
pattern of waves (potential energy). The 3D matter is a triple symmetrical
structure. The gravity as a link between space/time and matter/energy is double
(accelerated) time of a double (exponential) space. It is an accelerated time
of denser matter. Its flow is not gradual but quantized into the string of
cardinal alignments. The gravity has a double potential of time in the same
way that time has double potential of space. The gravity is twice as dense
matter as the time (angular space) but in twice-larger period of time in the
same way that time (angular space) is twice as dense matter as the space.
The present 3D density is an overall result of such interaction between 3
different angular potentials, which acts with the reduced intensity in the
present space. The time is present as a dense space only on a subtle (½)
level, while gravity is present only on a twice-subtler (¼) level.
The time becomes the dense space only in its entire duration while the gravity
becomes the dense space only in the entire duration of the entire set of different
times. The gravity becomes a dense space only in the entire duration of the
solar time. The present time in its duration acts as the single quantum of
the solar time.

The solar time is an accelerated time (light speed difference). The gravity
becomes a dense matter only in the entire duration of such an accelerated
time. An increased density in the present space behaves as a reduced (subtle)
density in the parallel (solar or galactic) space but also vice versa –
the increased density of the parallel space behaves as the reduced (subtle)
density of the present space because of their inverse space/time make-ups
(convex/concave difference). The density is an effect of the perspective.
The gravitational potential, which is responsible for the particular density,
is an effect of the perspective. The perspective creates an angular potential
and vice versa – an angular potential is responsible for the particular
perspective. The perspective is a measure of the particular angular potential.
An angular size (in the distance of space or time) is a measure of the angular
potential (gravity), which separates such a distant matter from the present
matter. The distance reduces size and vice versa. The distance and the corresponding
size are separated by an angular potential (time). The distance reduces the
size of an object by increasing the size of its corresponding background thus
creating an empty space in between. The distance and the size are inversely
proportional (angular) potentials. They behave as the space and time of each
other (convex/concave lensing).

The electromagnetic vibrations on one level are reflected as the gravitational
vibrations on the next level (the mirror image). Such inversely proportional
electrogravitational vibrations are convex/concave effects of their gravitational
coherence. The gravitational frequencies of the macrocosm and the electromagnetic
frequencies of the microcosm are the inversely proportional effects of the
precession, because the precession acts as their residual gravitational potential.
It acts as the gravitational coherence of such inversely proportional vibrations
of space and time (angular space). The precession sets such inverse potentials
of space and time against each other. It curves them in inversely proportional
(horizontal/angular) directions. The precession is responsible for their intermittent
regressions and advances, which in their interactions create a polynomial
infinity of waves (the electromagnetic and the gravitational spectra). The
precession is a gravitational quantum. It is gravitational framework in which
space and time are measured against each other. It is an angular potential
separating the space from time. It is an angular potential, which separates
the electromagnetic vibrations (space) from their gravitational counterpart
(time). The present density of Earth is a gravitational response to the precession.
The precession limits the size and the duration of Earth. The precessional
(gravitational) framework limits the present density and the duration of the
present time. The vibrations are an effect of space/time resonance. They are
created by intermittent interference between the space and time (an angular
space). The precession causes the vibrations. The precessional waves are equally
responsible for the inner electromagnetic (spatial) vibrations and for the
outer gravitational (time) vibrations.

The number of the recursively-incited motions (precessional cycles), which
are intermittently regressing and advancing each other, is responsible for
the amount of coherence. The number of the resonant precessional cycles is
responsible for the number of resonant frequencies, which are participating
in the spectrum of a dense matter. The density of matter and its corresponding
consciousness (waves) is directly proportional with the number of the resonant
precessional waves. A wave is the precessional response to an orbital motion
(time). A precessional wave is the negation of time (orbital wave). The precession
weaves the density from the orbital wave. It is its space. The precessional
wave is responsible for the particle of such orbital wave. Consequently, the
precessional wave is a particle/wave duality because it is equally responsible
for the particle and its orbital wave. The precessional wave is an outcome
of interaction between a dense particle and its wave. Alternatively, it is
an outcome (angular potential) between two densities, because the orbital
wave in the absence of time acts as the subsequent (denser) particle. The
density of matter corresponds to the number of the simultaneous precessional
waves. Every wave (precessional cycle) is a participating gravitational bond
of the overall (residual) density. The precessional cycles are the cycles
of creation, which are converting one finite form into another in an infinite
polynomial cycle of cycles (double helix). The number of resonant frequency
is the number of resonant precessional cycles. The number of resonant frequencies
determines the degree of density (and its corresponding duration). The degree
of truth is commensurate with the degree of density and its corresponding
duration. The larger truth is the denser and more durable truth. Consequently,
the degree of truth is commensurate with the number of coherent possibilities
(potentials). It is proportional with the number of the resonant frequencies
(precessional cycles).

Similarly, the degree of consciousness depends on the degree of density because
the density is a matter of the number of the resonant waves (precessional
cycles). The larger number of coherent waves creates the larger density but
also the more conscious matter because the capacity and the sensitivity of
thought depend on the number of the resonant waves. The consciousness is an
angular (residual) potential of the corresponding density of the matter. It
is a subtle (electromagnetic) reply to its density. The consciousness is intrinsically
connected with its matter. It is intrinsically connected with the degree of
density and its duration, which depends on the number of the simultaneous
creative precessional cycles (frequencies). The larger number of synchronized
waves is allowing for the more complex interaction, which is resulting in
an exponentially larger number of simultaneous possibilities (potentials).
The density of matter and its conscious state depend on the number of the
simultaneous potentials (frequencies). The number of coherent potentials determines
the degree of truth in such matter. The degree of truth is commensurate with
its duration and its consciousness. The larger and more complex gravitational
lattice is more sensitive to the surrounding environment. It is capable of
the more complex interaction with it, which will result in the larger degree
of clarity and the realization of the larger number of simultaneous possibilities
(an expanded consciousness). In other words – the denser matter is more
intelligent matter because of its exponentially larger number of coherent
waves and their storage capacity. Every pulse of dense matter is not only
a quantum leap in its density but also a quantum leap in its consciousness
(light speed difference).

Every quantum leap increases the capacity of matter as well as its analytical
conductivity. The end of a creative (precessional) cycle in the fullness of
its time will trigger an inevitable evolutionary leap. The size of an evolutionary
leap corresponds to the size of the ending cycle, since the cardinal alignments
between the larger cycles truncate the larger period of time thus bridging
the larger spatial distance. The cardinal points of the larger precessional
cycles pierce the proportionally larger wormholes through the texture of spacetime.
The degree of resonance is proportional with the degree of the quantum tunneling
because the larger resonance coheres the larger number of waves thus truncating
more time in the interest of a denser space. The coherence feeds on incoherence;
hence the cost of an increased coherence is a decreased incoherence. The larger
degree of resonance through the larger degree of the quantum tunneling filters
out the larger number of the incoherent manifestations because the coherence
on one level acts as the incoherence on another level. The coherence with
the earthly environment induces the incoherence with the subsequent cosmic
background. The coherence with the solar environment excludes the coherence
with the galactic environment because of their inversely proportional vibratory
patterns. Such incoherence between the recursive environments is surmounted
only through a string of cardinal alignments. The cardinal alignments are
responsible for a string of precessional (creative) potentials, which are
participating in the particular density of matter.

Only such an increased coherence or twice as coherent matter is cohered in
space and time. Only twice cohered matter is coherent in the gravitational
context. Only the multiple degrees of coherence are coherent with the multiple
environments wrapped around the present dense form. The increased degree of
coherence with such multiple cosmic environments requires an increased precision.
The coherence is a precise alignment. An increased number of alignments require
an increased degree of precision. Consequently, the quality excludes quantity
(and vice versa). The degree of coherence with the multiple environments is
inversely proportional with the number of such environments; hence although
all are invited only the few are chosen. The resonance with the larger and
more comprehensive cosmic environment filters out the larger number of incoherent
manifestations, which are not in tune with its matrix of frequencies. The
larger degree of coherence inevitably leads to mass extinctions of the material
forms, which become unsustainable in their exponentially larger cosmic background,
yet the diversity of such incoherent forms is essential because incoherence
supports coherence. The larger degree of spatial incoherence will crystallize
into a larger coherence in time and vice versa because many forms on one level
support the one form on another level – the quantity on one level is
a necessary ingredient for a quality on the next level. The resonance with
a larger number of the surrounding environment is a matter of an increased
precision. It is a matter of an increased conscious effort because such an
alignment requires the larger number of coherent waves. It requires a larger
amount of energy to be converted into dense matter or vice versa.

The physical adaptability to a particular finite environment is detrimental
to an overall adaptability. The different environments are the patterns of
intermittently expanded and contracted matrices incompatible one with the
other; hence a too narrow specialization is an inevitable dead end road when
the worlds collide (and merge). The balance must be maintained at all the
times; hence a specialization must be offset by a general adaptability else
it leads to an eventual extinction in one of the cardinal alignments. The
degree of coherence is proportional with the degree of adaptability and sustainability.
The physical adaptability is limited only to the present environment. An increased
physical adaptability is inversely proportional with an overall adaptability.
It is unsustainable in the surrounding cosmic environments, which will inevitably
merge with the present world in a future time. The surrounding cosmic environments
are the parallel spatial worlds that will densify in the present space only
in the future time. The degree of coherence between the present world and
such parallel spatial worlds (or serial time worlds) is inversely proportional
with their distance in space (and time). As a result, such distant worlds
cast exponentially subtler shadow in this world. They are less coherent with
the present world because they create the smaller synodic/sideral eccentricity
(inertial overlap). They are synchronized with this world in the exponentially
larger time periods because it takes a longer time for such reduced eccentricity
to accumulate into a full measure (quantum). The string of the future (more
distant) environments casts a cascade of the progressively weaker shadows,
which are reflected as the layers of subdensity. The future worlds create
past waves; hence their future density is reflected in the present waves,
which are partial (incomplete) densities. The partial densities as matrices
of waves are the spiritual imprints of the surrounding cosmic densities. The
degree of coherence with such denser future environments depends not on the
physical adaptation to the present environment but on the degree of coherence
with such subtle (spiritual) reflections. The degree of sustainability in
the future (denser) environments of the surrounding universe is a matter of
the spirit. It is a matter of the adaptation to the spiritual (subtle) truth
and not a matter of the physical adaptability.

The adaptability to the cosmic environments is proportional with the subtle
adaptability of the spirit. The present spiritual adaptability is an incomplete
future physical adaptability. Such spiritual adaptability will become the
complete physical adaptability only through a string of cardinal alignments,
which are ushering the present world into its future (denser) incarnations.
The adaptability is proportional with the spiritual maturity. Such long-term
adaptation transcends the narrow boundaries of the physical adaptation. The
sustainability in the long run is proportional with the degree of adaptability
to the abstract and not to the particular environment, since the present abstract
(spiritual) environment is an incomplete future particular environment. The
sustainability depends on a degree of coherence between the particular form
and its abstract purpose because an appearance without a purpose becomes a
useless appearance to be dispensed with at first opportunity (cardinal alignment).
The present is made by the coalescing of the past with the future worlds.
The future worlds are certainty of time just as the past worlds are certainty
of space. There is nothing uncertain about them. They are participating in
the present world with the equal potentials. It is only a matter of distance
or alternatively – it is a matter of size or matter of scales (angular
distance). The purpose of the present world is its future incarnation. The
dense form without a purpose has no future. The purpose of the present physical
incarnation is not the present incarnation but the future incarnation - the
purpose of an action is not the action but its reaction. The purpose of life
is not this life because such purpose has been fulfilled in the past. One
cannot live in a backward direction and expect to go forward. The present
inertia (density) must be surmounted. Life must be regressed for one step
if the purpose of this life is this life. Such life has no purpose in the
present time unless it is regressed into its past stage, but if the purpose
of this life is the next life than the life will be advanced.

The coherence with the denser and more conscious life forms, which are featuring
as the string of the cosmic environments of the present life, is proportional
with the spiritual maturity. The truth is a hosting arrangement between the
parallel life forms. The outer environment is an inner body of the enveloping
life form. The coherence with environment implies the coherence with the higher
will, which is hosting all present forms of life in its fold. The adaptability
in long run depends on the level of coherence with the higher will. The more
developed consciousness is incoherent with the less developed consciousness
in its fold unless such less developed consciousness of the less dense body
is coherent with the higher consciousness, which is matter of a conscious
effort to bridge the gap that separates them. The life is a mutual effort.
The creator creates through his creations. The life is a residual potential
of an equally matched conflict. The less developed consciousness must know
the more developed consciousness else the more developed consciousness does
not know the less developed consciousness either. The father will not know
the son unless the son knows the father. The father cannot mourn an unborn
son because an unborn son resisted to be born through his inertia and fear.
The density on one level is only a subtle vibratory pattern on the next level.
The certainty of present life is only a possibility of the future life. It
is a matter of a conscious and coherent effort to surmount the time, which
is separating the present possibility from the future certainty. It is a matter
of the conscious effort to put in order the random forces of decay while the
decay of the present order will happen automatically. It is a conscious effort
to counteract the effect of time. It is a conscious effort to be born as a
son to the father. A potential will remain unfulfilled in the absence of a
personal effort. One will remain an unrealized son the father never knew he
could have had in the absence of such a personal effort. The life is a mutual
effort, which requires a conscious effort on the one side of equation. The
conscious effort on one side will also resolve the other side of the equation.
One is responsible to create one’s own future life. There cannot be
the future but only the past life if the present life is final.

The precessional cycles of creation intermittently regress and advance each
other because it is a spiraling double helix, which is exploring all the possibilities
before the certainty is realized in its cardinal points. The gradual expansion
on one level is a cause of an instant contraction (collapse) on another level.
The gradually unfolding life is collapsed by an instant death just as an instant
birth generates a momentum, which is responsible for the gradually unfolding
life. The life is time between two parallel spatial densities. It evolves
in time but its beginning and end are beyond time. They are instant (gravitational)
because they are its cardinal (resonant) points in which the spiraling double
helix submerges or emerges from the parallel densities. The life is a duration
in which the electromagnetic potential (space) is coherent with the outer
gravitational potential (time). It is the residual potential created by the
interaction between the subtle body (spirit) and the dense body. The size
of dense form (space) on one level is diluted into motion (time) of less dense
form on another level because of their inversely proportional space/time make-ups.
The deeper below on one level is projected as the further above on the next
level. Outside in the earthly context is reflected as the inside in the solar
context in the same way that outside in the solar context behaves as inside
in the galactic context. The inner spirit is a holographic projection of an
outer (denser) body wrapped around the present (less dense) body. Earth is
turned inside out and upside down in the solar context. The solar centrifugal
force (repulsion) on one level acts as the centripetal force (attraction)
on the next level. The solar centrifugal force (repulsion) is doubling as
the earth’s gravitational attraction. The outer solar force acts on
Earth from its insides because Earth is turned inside out like popcorn in
the solar context (and vice versa – the present dense Sun is an infinite
empty space turned inside out).

The inner earth is an empty space in the solar context because of the dimensional
difference in their densities. It is the surrounding empty space, which is
dense in the solar context, because the slow orbital motion (gravitational
wave) in the present time is almost a light speed motion in the solar (antiparallel
and accelerated) time. The light speed motion on one level is not motion but
a dense surface on another level. The light speed motion is not motion but
an instant size in the absence of the present time. The present slow orbital
motion is a residual potential created by a light speed motion and an almost
light speed motion in the solar context. It is the discrepancy (eccentricity)
of the light speed motion in the solar time. The present orbital motion acts
as the inertia of the particle in the context of a perfect (light speed) wave.
The present orbital is not motion but a quantum of density, which is participating
in the overall solar density. It is a quantum of its dense matter in the same
way that an electromagnetic frequency is a quantum of energy participating
in the overall density of the present matter. The small discrepancy between
the actual and light speed motion on the solar level, which is caused by the
present orbital motion is its synodic/sidereal eccentricity. It is reflecting
the degree of incoherence (inertia) between two parallel densities. It is
a degree of incoherence between the inner electromagnetic potential and the
outer gravitational potential of the solar dense sphere. Consequently, the
Earth’s gravitational potential is a residual potential between the
solar centrifugal force and the Earth’s centrifugal force. The Earth’s
attraction is a residue, which is created by the opposing repulsing forces,
which are acting from above and from below. Earth’s gravity is a reply
in the present time to the solar centrifugal force. It is inertia (resistance)
to such force offered by the Earth’s density. It is a reaction of Earth’s
orbital (time), which is its precessional motion.

Slow on one level is fast on another level. Slower in earthly context is
faster in the solar context and vice versa because of their inverse make-ups.
The solar time is an accelerated time. It is a finite curvature of the present
infinite (linear) time, which is reflected in the precession (regression/advance)
of the Earth’s motion. The slow precession is a projection of the fast
antiparallel motion in the solar context. The slow precessional time is a
holographic (angular) shadow of the fast earthly time measured against much
slower solar time. It is a measure of their incoherence (synodic/sidereal
eccentricity). It is an overriding angular potential of the present time,
which is the gravitational potential of the present Earth. The precessional
motion is the gravitational framework, which limits the validity (duration)
of the present time when measured against the solar time. The precession measures
the duration of the incoherence between Earth and Sun because it acts as an
angular potential (time), which separates such parallel spaces. It is a relative
space/time difference whether the gravity is seen as emanating from the massive
orbiting body as a reaction of its orbital motion (inner attraction) or if
it is seen as imposed from outside by its counteracting precession (outer
repulsion). While one attracts from below, the other repels from above. The
dense matter is attracted but its surrounding empty space is repelled by the
same gravitational potential. The attraction in earthly context acts as the
repulsion in the solar context. The inner force of gravity on one level is
a consequence of the outer centrifugal force on another level. The Earth’s
finite orbital and the polynomial infinity of its precessing motions, which
are periodically regressing and advancing it, are the string of nesting angular
(residual) potentials. Such string of potentials and their corresponding motions
(times) are the reply on earthly plane to a perpetual tug of war between the
overriding cosmic densities.

Earth’s gravity is a finite result (residual potential) of such an
infinite number of the precessing motions, which are the consequence of the
mutual tugging between overriding cosmic densities wrapped around the present
density (Earth). The solar/galactic tug of war is an immediate cause of the
orbital motion and the polynomial infinity of its superimposed precessional
motions. Such interference between two subsequent cosmic densities is the
instrumental factor in the formation of Earth’s outer gravitational
potential and its matching electromagnetic potential. It is a decisive factor
of Earth’s time (motion) and its density. The larger time cycles, which
are reflecting the tugging of the more distant cosmic densities, are reflected
only in the eccentricity of precession. They interrupt the precession and
Earth’s gravity in the progressively larger time periods. Similarly,
an orbiting electron (particle/wave) is created as a residual angular potential
between the attractive forces of its nucleus and the attractive forces of
its surrounding environment. An electron is a residual (gravitational) potential
between a nucleus and its surrounding atoms, which are interacting through
their electromagnetic potentials, where the more distant environments have
exponentially less influence (inverse square law). The microcosm behaves as
the macrocosm in the reverse order and vice versa.

The gravity and the flow of time it generates are constant only between two
cardinal alignments. They are constant only as long as the accumulated spatial
change is partial – only as long as such change is less than a quantum
of the surrounding denser (solar) space, which is a period of 5184 years (¼
orbital precession) and its subsequent 5-fold multiples. The ¼ precession
is a gravitational quantum. It is the duration of a quantum state. The cardinal
alignments with the progressively larger time cycles trigger exponentially
larger angular changes in the time flow, which are responsible for correspondingly
larger changes in the inner density and the outer gravity. They inflate the
gravitational crystal at the heart of the present matter with an exponential
increase in the number of the angular potentials (gravitational bonds). The
gravitational flower of life blooms with the arrival of cardinal alignments
just as the flower in the field blooms with the arrival of new seasons. The
gravity changes the flow of time and the flow of life in the same way that
a change of time (motion) will change the corresponding force of gravity and
the essence of life in the recursive 5-fold multiples of a 5184-year period
(25920-year precession, 129600-year Milankovich cycle or ¼ Yuga, 648000-year
orbital Sothic cycle, 3.24 mill-year cycle etc). The flower of life blooms
more intense with the arrival of the correspondingly larger season of life.
The string of progressively larger cardinal alignments are imparting the correspondingly
larger gravitational essence of life by creating the progressively larger
coherence of truth but they also activate the larger harvesting season, since
the purpose of sowing the life is in its harvest.

The life is generated through the string of the hosting arrangements where
one takes on one level only to surrender it enlarged with a yield of time
on the next level. The purpose of life is in its end because the coherence
feeds on the incoherence. The order is extracted with intent from the underlying
chaos. The decay on one level serves as the nourishment on the next level.
The life on one level is supported by a string of pulsations between the life
and death on another level. Every pulse of life on one level spells an untold
number of extinctions of life on its fractal underlying levels. The life is
a coherent incoherence, which is guided by its abstract source with an uninterrupted
spiraling thread. It is meandering its way through the periodic creative and
destructive cycles of nature to perpetually compete with the nature itself.
The destructive potential of nature must be wrestled away and converted into
the creative potential through the power of will. An unharnessed potential
is destructive unless it is mastered. The ordering of the random and decaying
forces is a conscious and a very precise effort of the gravitational mastery.
One must know exactly how to handle the potential of fire and not to be burnt
by it or how to extract the honey and not to be stung by the bee. It is a
focused and conscious effort to extract the absolute (gravitational) essence
from the surrounding relativity of the world. Only the absolute potential
of the relative space/time division will transform the decay into the life.

The flow of time must end, the electrogravitational matrix of frequencies
must burst forth and the gravitational flower of life must transform its fire
into the rainbow of colors with every cardinal alignment of the spiraling
helix. The new seed is planted and the harvest of the past season is collected
in every cardinal point. The time of sowing and reaping is in 3/2 time, which
is the fullness of time, as told in the biblical book of Daniel (times and
a half time). The future dense (3D) incarnations exist in the present time
only as the subtle (2D) shadows. The future dense life will grow from the
present spirit. The future certainty of life is implanted in the present potential
(possibility) of life. The time remains a partial (subtle) space only until
the curvature is complete (¼). The full measure of time (quantum) wraps
up the past incarnation and unwraps the future incarnation of the world by
ascending the descended and descending the ascended subtle worlds. The coalescing
of the worlds is cross-pollinating each other with the seed of life but also
harvesting each other because one is the purpose of another. The time ends
when all its possibilities are explored and exhausted and all that remains
is its spatial certainty (curvature). It ends when the angular potential of
time, which is separating two parallel spaces, is unwinded. The time must
end when the partial (or subtle) 2D density becomes the full physical 3D density
through a cardinal alignment, which integrates an additional potential (dimensionality)
in the present matrix of life. The time will end when the outer gravitational
frequency (time wave) is integrated into the spectra of the electromagnetic
frequencies (spatial waves) thus fortifying the dense space in the resonant
(gravitational) points.

The surface is expanded into a cube in the cardinal (resonant) points. The
density is expanded when the inertia (resistance) of the surrounding environment
is surmounted. The resonant points of the interacting 2D (waves) and 3D (particle)
densities are created by the 2x3=6-fold recursion. The gravitational essence
of the cosmic flower of life is a 60º angular potential, which separates
the dense from the subtle matter. It is 1/6 angular potential, which separates
the space (size) from time (motion). The cosmic flower of life is a 6D fractal
matrix (gravitational lattice). It is a symmetrical structure created as a
residual angular potential of 6 evenly matched electrogravitational bonds.
The duration in time and the power of coherence it wields in space depends
on its degree of symmetry. It must transform and integrate an additional potential
when the new level of symmetry is reached in time. It is transmuted when an
angular 2D space, which is doubling as the present time, becomes the horizontal
3D space. The cardinal alignments expand the time, which is made of 6x6=36x10=360-fold
gravitational lattice, into the dense space, which is made of 6x6x6=216x100=21600-fold
gravitational lattice. The 360-day orbital cycles (time) are limited by ¼
of the 21600-year precessional time cycles, which are the symmetrical 5400-year
periods or asymmetrical 5184-year periods (5200 years of 360 days each). The
symmetrical 5400-year period is a pure (light speed) wave, while 5400-216=5184-year
period is a particle/wave duality – it is a perfect wave reduced by
the inertia of its dense particle (Earth).

Alternatively, the subtle (angular) space must transform into the dense space
when its underlying 6+6=12-fold lattice of time, which is reflected in the
number of lunar cycles per solar cycle, becomes an 6+6+6=18º angular
potential, which is cleaving apart the orbital advance from the rotational
regression. An 18º angular potential is a gravitational quantum, which
is unfolded over a 5184-year period. Such a potential, which separates the
present space from the surrounding solar space, is ¼ orbital precessional
time (1/5 rotational precessional time). Solar/lunar gravitational tugging
creates a rift between the rotation and orbital, which is leading to the eventual
collapse of the rotation in the context of an unchanged orbital or vice versa.
The limit of tolerance (elasticity) of such gradually widening gap is an 18º
potential, which is a quantum (1/20 of 360º). The precession is a measure
of such gradually advancing gravitational imbalance between the rotation and
orbital motion. The precessional imbalance is a residual potential of the
solar/lunar tugging in the same way that it is a residual potential of the
galactic/solar tugging because Moon is inertia (dense matter) between the
solar and galactic attractive forces. Moon replicates the galactic cycles
on a smaller scale (double light speed difference). Galaxy acts upon Earth
in time only on a subtle level. It acts upon Earth through the agency of Moon.
Moon is the catalyst of the galactically induced gravitational changes. Moon,
which is a holographic shadow of the galactic power, curves and limits the
present time, which is induced by the solar gravity. It curves an infinite
linear time into a finite dense space. It is creating the rift between rotation
and orbital, which is leading to the eventual demise of the present time in
the cardinal points of precession when the rotation (or orbital motion) collapses.
It is the effect that Moon has over Earth that will eventually bring to the
fullness of time.

Moon with its gravitational presence behaves as the time (duration) of the
present time. It acts as Earth’s accelerated time (gravity), which curves
and limits the present time into the finite segments (¼ precession).
The lunar diameter of 2160 miles reflects its role as the spatial boundary
of the Earth’s time. Earth’s mass, which is 81 times the lunar
mass, reflects the lunar role in limiting the present time, because 81²-81=6480
years (¼ rotational regression/precession of equinoxes). The square
law, which is responsible for the density and its corresponding duration (time),
is an inversion of the inverse square law, which is responsible for its outer
gravity and its corresponding distance of space. The inner density (and its
time) is the response to the outer gravitational potential (and its space).
The square in space (4 corners) is a full curvature in time and vice versa
because a linear direction is rounded into a curvature by the gravitational
lensing (light speed difference). That is why the time acting as 2D (partial
or angular) space on the present level becomes 3D space on next (solar) level.
The square of 81-fold gravitational lattice (81²) is its duration in
time (wave), while its inverse square (v81²=81) is its inertia (eccentricity,
which is caused by a dense particle). The 81-fold gravitational lattice reflects
its underlying ¾ fractal structure because it is symmetry of 3x3x3x3
angular potentials. 81²-fold lattice is the next step of that symmetry
created in the fullness of time by integration of additional spectrum of frequencies
in its dense make-up. Time ends through the catalytic function of Moon when
the gravitational potential of the present time (6x6=36x10=360º/360 days)
integrates an additional (residual) angular potential (6x10=60º). It
ends when the angular potential of time reaches its quantum (gravitational)
boundary, which is ¼ precession or ¼ of 6x6x6 =216x100 = 21600-year

The gravity is an overriding (residual) potential of the space/time conflict.
It acts inversely proportionally over space and time. The action of gravity
is split between two different quantum levels – it acts as space on
one level and as time on another level. The gravity has an instant effect
in space but also a cumulative effect in time (light speed difference). Its
effect is a full measure (quantum) in space while its effect in time is only
partial (subtle) ½. Its effect in time (an angular or the surrounding
space) is a full measure (quantum) only through the accumulation (¼
precession). The present gravitational potential is instantly responsible
for the present density of Earth. It is responsible for the solar density
only in the fullness of time because time separates two parallel spatial densities.
The solar density is an angular density. It becomes aligned with the present
density only when the present gravitational (angular) potential is exhausted
through the gradual regression of the present time (rotational regression).
The solar density is in line with the present density only when a 90º
angular potential of time that separates them is unwinded through ¼
regression (precession). The solar 4D density is inversely proportional from
the present density because it integrates an additional spatial potential,
which is behaving as the potential of time in the present 3D density. They
are in conflict except in the cardinal points when such inverse potentials
are evenly matched (resonance). The gravity equalizes inequalities and vice
versa because it acts across the boundary of the relative space/time division.

Moon orbits Earth in the present time but Earth orbits Moon in the solar
(accelerated) time because of the inverse space/time make-ups separating 3D
from 4D density. An empty 3D space acts as a dense 4D space and vice versa.
Attraction in the present time behaves as repulsion in the solar time and
vice versa. The solar density is an angular density. It is a density of time,
which is in conflict with present spatial density. The gravitational potential
in the present time behaves as an antigravitational potential in the solar
time (convex/concave difference). The orbital of Earth around Moon is quantized
into the short segments interrupting the regular lunar orbitals in the cardinal
points of their interaction. Earth/Moon orbit the common barrycenter. They
orbit each other but on different quantum levels separated by an angular 90º
potential (light speed difference). The present lunar orbital is a residual
potential of such space/time interaction. The inertia of the present gravitational
potential, which is responsible for the lunar orbital, is surmounted in the
cardinal points when the tables are upturned. The present gravitational potential,
which is responsible for the present space/time division, is dissolved in
the cardinal points. Only the overriding solar gravitational potential remains
in action in such resonant points of the present space/time interaction. Moon
triggers the periodic outbursts of such angular rotation of Earth, when the
present gravitational potential is dissolved in its cardinal points. Earth
holds Moon in an instant spatial gravitational embrace but Moon holds Earth
in a gravitational embrace over time. The lunar gravity counteracts Earth’s
gravity only when its subtle (partial) effect becomes a quantum of Earth’s
spatial gravitational potential. It is equalized with Earth’s gravity
only in time – only in the cardinal points. Lunar gravity has a direct
effect on Earth only in time, unlike the Earth’s gravity, which has
an instant direct effect on Moon.

Such angular rotation of Earth around Moon is changing Earth’s position
in the ecliptic. It is a single increment (quantum) of the Earth’s galactic
orbital. Such an angular rotation in the solar (4D) space when the present
(equatorial) rotation is collapsed is a reaction in time of Earth’s
spatial motion. An angular momentum upturns the present 0.463 m/sec rotational
velocity of Earth in 1/0.463 m/sec = 2.16 sec/m angular velocity (1/100 of
6x6x6). The short outbursts of the galactic (angular) orbital through an angular
rotation are triggered by the cardinal alignments when the cumulative effect
of the subtle galactic attraction surmounts the instant solar attraction.
The lunar presence in Earth’s orbit catalyzes such transformation. Triple
6 is a hallmark of the duration of the present Earth’s density. The
6-fold angular potential is responsible for the present spatial density of
Earth. 6x6=36-fold potential is responsible for its duration (time) but 6x6x6=216-fold
potential is a gravitational potential, which is responsible for the duration
of its time. Consequently, such potential also applies to the presence of
Moon as an emissary of the true galactic overlord because it limits the solar
dominance over Earth. The solar density acts only as a subtle layer (waves)
separating the present density of Earth from its future galactic density.
The galaxy is responsible for the present density of Earth and its duration.
The gravitational potential is unfolded only in two inversely proportional
(horizontal and angular) steps. The galaxy has an active role in the present
density while the solar role is static (constant). 6-fold potential is a galactic
gravitational potential, which is responsible for the present density of Earth
and its duration. Earth is under the dominance of the galactic forces through
the agency of Moon; hence triple 6 angular potential applies equally to the
action of Moon over Earth.

The galaxy, which integrates an additional angular potential, is made of
the densified (compressed) energy, which is a dense gravity unlike the solar
matter, which is a dense energy. The galactic matter is the gravitational
darkness, which absorbs light, unlike the solar matter, which emits light
(light speed difference). The galactic force is a force of darkness while
the solar force is a force of light but light on one level behaves as the
darkness on the next level. The light in the absence of the present time becomes
darkness because the potential of energy is transformed into a certain (dense)
matter in the absence of the present time. The darkness (gravity) is a residual
potential, which is created by two potentials of light (energy) when set against
each other in the cardinal points. Similarly, the light (energy) is a residual
potential of two conflicting gravitational (dark) potentials. The darkness
is dense light in the same way that the light is diluted darkness. The darkness
is the essence (quantum) of light and vice versa – light is the essence
(quantum) of darkness. The darkness is made of its underlying light in the
same way that light is made of its underlying darkness (particle/wave duality).
They support each other through the mutual resistance (their angular potential).
They can only co-exist. One has no validity in the absence of the contrast,
which is provide by its equal opposite. The distinction is only relative.
The present (3D) light behaves as the future (4D) darkness while the present
darkness behaves as the future light. The present spirit is the seed of the
future body. The relativity is universal law, which is applicable across the
board. The 6x6x6 angular potential is responsible for the crystalline (gravitational)
lattice of the present matter, which is induced by the fractal 3/2 (space/time)
interaction as per Bode’s periodicity. The quantum (resonance) of 3/2
interaction is a 3x2=6-fold symmetry of interacting angular potentials (hexagon).
A single angular potential is a 60º curvature, which separates two parallel
spaces apart by a flow of time. It is the reason why 1? of the perihelion
advance (orbital precession) per 60 years creates 5400 years of an uninterrupted
time flow in a 90? curvature (5400-216=5184 years or 24/25x60 = 57.6 years
per 1?).

The precessional wave is a gravitational (absolute) framework, which is responsible
for the relative space/time division of the earthly environment. The gravitational
potential imparts on Earth its present density and its duration. Such density
and its duration are justified only by its residual angular potential (precession).
Such an overriding potential imparts the justice of Maat on Earth. All the
material and subtle manifestations on Earth are liable to a regulatory function
of their single overriding potential (precession). The life is created and
sustained by the justice of Maat, which is imparted on Earth through the agency
of its single gravitational potential. The justice of Maat is the essence
of life. It is found in the various forms and under the different names all
over the globe. It is at the heart of all the past and all the present religions
of the world. It is at the heart of every material science and at the heart
of every science of the spirit. It is the overriding principle, which is responsible
for every manifestation on Earth. The justice of Maat transcends the relative
space/time boundaries because it is their absolute origin. The justice of
Maat is beyond every spatial manifestation and its duration in time. The cycles
of time are its consequence. The Mayan sacred rounds have the roots in the
justice of Maat but also the Vedic Yuga, the Sothic cycles or the Sar cycles.
The 13x20=260-day sacred Mayan round is based on the 13-fold replication,
which is a galactic angular potential also reflected in 13 lunar cycles, 52
weeks per year, or 26000 years per precessional cycle. It reflects the solar
cycle of time, which is an effect of the overriding galactic density (26000
light years, which is the size/radius of the galaxy). The 20-fold potential
is also a number of the 18º potentials (quanta). 20/18 =10/9 reflects
the overall gravitational symmetry, which is created by the space/time interaction
(2x3=6 harmonics of the present space + 2x2=4 harmonics of the angular space,
which are reduced by the present inertia of Earth in such an overall gravitational

The symmetry of the solar 6x6=36-fold potential (potential of time) is overshadowed
by the galactic (or lunar) asymmetrical 2x13=26-fold potential (gravitational
potential). Their interaction is reflected in Earth’s orbital of 26x36=936
mill km but also in the duration of such orbital (26/36=0.72, which is reflected
in 72 years per 1º precession). 13-fold potential is an eccentric (asymmetrical)
potential of a 12-fold potential in the same way that 7-fold potential is
an eccentricity of a 6-fold potential. They are the boundary conditions of
the solar density in the galactic context or vice versa. 13-fold potential
is a particle/wave duality of a perfect wave (12-fold potential). 13-fold
potential creates equality of two unequal parts – one repeating the
cycle 6 times and another 7 times. Such 7th cycle or a shell is the transition
between two opposite 6-fold cycles. It is their gravitational balance. The
7th (or 13th) cycle (quantum) is unbalancing the 6-fold cycle by intermittently
regressing and advancing it. It lends an unfair advantage (asymmetry) to the
one side but only so that such an advantage acts against it on the next level.
The asymmetry keeps two perfect symmetries spinning in the mutual embrace.
The asymmetry of 13th (or 7th) cycle is their synodic/sideral eccentricity.
It is the measure of their coherence. It is the measure of coherence between
the convex and concave 6D gravitational lenses, which are at the heart of
every matter. It is a supergravitational bond holding them together.

The 13th or alternatively, the 7th cycle is the boundary, which is reducing
the gravitational symmetry into a single point (quantum), which is the essence
of the subsequent holographic projection. It is the definition of the black
hole at the heart of galaxy. The essence of both – the 36-fold and the
26-fold potential is 6D flower of life, which is at the heart of every matter.
The 26-fold potential is a residual potential (eccentricity), which is generated
by an interaction between the symmetrical 3³=27-fold and 5²=25-fold
gravitational lattice. 26-fold potential builds up a dense particle as the
residue of two interacting waves (25-fold lattice and 27-fold lattice). It
is an angular potential (dense space) between two horizontal (parallel) times.
Alternatively, it is an angular (4D) wave, which is created as the residual
potential of two horizontal (3D) waves. Such residual potential is an effect
of double 5 and triple 3 potentials of the participating waves. It is a particular
manifestation of the gravitational 3/2 Bode’s polynomial harmonization,
which is an effect of the solar/galactic interference. The fractal 3/2 matrix
is the gravitational background in which the 3-fold spatial potential of Earth
and 5-fold spatial potential of the galaxy interact (3x5=15, which is ¼
of 60º. Alternatively, 3/5=0.6x100 =60º, which is the angular potential
separating the present space from the galactic space). The gravitational 3/2
potential, which is responsible for the present density and its duration,
is reflected in the difference between the mundane and sacred Mayan rounds.
3 sacred rounds match 2 mundane rounds.

They are resonant every 60 days, which is 1/6 of a 6-fold potential that
is responsible for a 360-day year. 18x20-day sacred rounds vs.12x30-day mundane
rounds project such inversely proportional 3/2 galactic/solar potential (18/12=3/2
vs. 30/20=3/2). The sacred/mundane rounds project the interference between
the solar and galactic gravitational waves, which are responsible for the
present density of Earth. Alternatively, it projects the solar/lunar interference,
because Moon is a proxy of the galaxy. A year of 12x30=360 days is a consequence
of the solar/lunar tugging in the present space, while a year of 18x20=360
is a consequence of an upturned solar/lunar tugging in the angular (solar)
space. The 18/12=3/2 residual potential between the sacred and mundane time
cycles is a projection in the present time of the angular potential, which
is separating the orbital precession from the rotational precession (space/time
difference). It reflects the difference between the rate of the orbital advance
and the rate of the rotational regression. 60 years per 1º orbital advance
and 72 years per 1º rotational regression create an angular 3/2 potential
because 90-72=18 while 72-60=12. A 12º angular curvature in one direction
is offset by an 18º angular curvature in the opposite direction (6º
eccentricity). Such precessional eccentricity is an effect the solar/galactic
(solar/lunar) gravitational tugging, which emulates the synodic /sidereal
difference between the rotation and orbital.

150-mil km radius of Earth’s orbital, which is translated into 5x100=500
sec delay in time, creates the gravitational yield of 500-240=260 sec when
offset against the background of the synodic/sidereal 240 sec difference.
500 sec is the measure of the solar space while 240 sec is the measure of
the solar/ galactic coherence. The remaining 260 sec is the residual potential
of the galactic space. 260 sec is the synodic/sideral difference in the galactic
background while 240 sec is the same difference the in solar background. The
orbital distance of 500 sec is a result of the solar/galactic tug of war.
500 sec orbital distance is a residual potential of two counteracting angular
potentials. 260/240 is 13/12 fractal ratio of the participating potentials,
which is a measure of coherence between the galactic and the solar (convex
and concave) gravitational lensing. Such measure of coherence is the present
Earth. Earth is the gravitational yield (dense particle), which is a residue
of such conflicting 260-sec/240-sec waves. 260-240 =20 sec is the inertia
of dense Earth, which is a residual potential between 260 sec of darkness
and 240 sec of light. 20 sec difference is the amount of solar energy, which
is cohered through the galactic gravitational lens into the dense matter of
Earth. Earth is an unfair advantage (asymmetry) that the galaxy has over Sun.
240 and 260 sec are +/-10 sec of 5²x10=250 sec, which is the perfectly
symmetrical wave. The residual gravitational potential has 10 space/time harmonics
(Bode’s periodicity). It is made of 10 individual angular potentials
(2x3+2x2=10-fold gravitational lattice). The gravitational succession is built
on the 10-fold multiple potentials. The difference between the sacred and
mundane round is 360-260=100 days. It is the same gravitational symmetry,
which is responsible for 10 planetary orbitals, their 100-fold increase in
distance (from 0.4 AU Mercury to 40 AU Pluto) and their 1000-fold increase
in orbital times (from ¼ year Mercury to 250 years Pluto).

The Mayan sacred rounds are the galaxy-based cycles unlike the Sumerian and
Egyptian count, which is Sun-based. They both spell the same gravitational
pattern from relatively different perspectives. 26-day is a lunar cycle when
it is taken out of the solar gravitational field because Moon is imparted
upon Earth by the galaxy. Moon is older than Earth although nothing in the
solar system can indicate an age over 5 bill years because it is the boundary
(horizon) of the present time in the solar space (90º curvature) or vice
versa. Alternatively, it is an age of the present matter, which is excluding
its past (less dense) quantum states. The gravitational waves are red-shifted
in time in the same way in which the electromagnetic waves are red-shifted
in space. Doppler effect acts equally in space and time because time is an
angular space. Time and space limit and curve each other inversely proportionally;
hence their waves must be equally liable to Doppler effect. The past time
is compressed in the same way that a distant space is curved through an angular
curvature; hence none of the ages of the universe as seen in the linear perspective
of time are correct. The recent past is distorted less than the distant past.
The angular distortion is proportional with distance of time in the same way
that the spatial distortion is proportional with the spatial distance. It
is only the horizon of the present time in the surrounding (angular) space.
The universe and its time are infinite but they are manifested only in the
finite discrete units because of the space/time perspective, which is curving
space in time and time in space. The horizon is always an angular 90º
curvature. The world doesn’t end with its horizons. 5 bill years of
the solar space or 15 bill years of the cosmic space are its horizon in the
present time, which has no validity beyond its 5200-year duration. Everything
is infinitely larger and older than that. The real age can be extrapolated
as an inversion of the electromagnetic frequencies in the spectra, which the
atoms and the cosmic bodies emanate. The electromagnetic vibrations are an
inner (spatial) reaction of the outer gravitational waves (finite periods
of time).

The present electromagnetic vibrations (space) are the past gravitational
vibrations (time). The electromagnetic frequencies are the permanent imprints
of the past times in the same way that the gravitational frequencies are the
permanent imprints of the future times. The electromagnetic frequencies indicate
the real age of the present dense matter of the universe. The gravitational
frequencies indicate its remaining (future) time. The present age of the universe
(15 bill years) indicates only an age of the present time but not the ages
of the past times, which are integrated into the electromagnetic frequencies
of its dense matter. The dense matter is exponentially older then its surrounding
empty space because they are separated by an angular potential (light speed
difference). The dense matter incorporates all the past times unlike its surrounding
space, which indicates only the present time. The time is a relative quantity,
which has no validity beyond the boundaries of its corresponding space. The
age of the universe, which is measured with the present time, becomes absurd
over the large time spans in the same way that the spatial distance of the
universe becomes absurd when it is measured with the same measures with which
its microcosm is measured. The present time, which is measured in years, has
no validity in the outer space. The outer space is made of the many dense
layers, which are light speed apart. The string of exponentially denser future
matter (or the string of exponentially larger and emptier spaces) is measured
with the string of accelerated times light speed apart from each other. The
age of the universe cannot be measured in time but with the number of gravitational
potentials in the same way that the size of the universe cannot be measured
with the spatial measures but with the measures of time (light years). The
measurement must be a step ahead of an infinite manifestation else it is immeasurable.
The present age of the universe is an age of the present time, which does
not account for all its past times.

An age of the universe is measured with the number of the gravitational potentials
that it incorporates. Every angular potential is a light speed difference
between the present and the future (or the past) space. Every gravitational
potential (¼ curvature) is a light speed difference separating the
space from time. The present universe incorporates a single potential (single
light speed difference), while its dense matter incorporates double potential
(double light speed difference). The present dense matter is made of the past
time of the universe. The present electromagnetic frequencies (space) are
the past gravitational frequencies (time). The dense matter is exponentially
older then its surrounding universe, because dense matter is a residual potential
of the conflicting angular potentials while its outer space is an unopposed
angular potential. The surrounding universe is the future of the present dense
matter, which is a light speed difference in time. The age of the universe
is measured with the number of the angular (gravitational) potentials. It
is measured with the numbers of light speeds or the number of dimensions,
which it incorporates in its density. The age of the universe, which is measured
in time, integrates only one such potential. Its dense matter incorporates
two such potentials. The denser solar matter incorporates three such potentials
while even denser neutron matter incorporates four angular potentials. The
dense gravitational matter of black hole incorporates five potentials because
it is five times older than the present universe. It is built on 5-fold gravitational
potential (5-fold light speed). The universe is comprised of the polynomial
infinity of progressively denser and older shells surrounded by the progressively
emptier spaces, which are acting as the future times of such dense matter.

The present universe is comprised of 5 shells of the past time (dense matter),
which is surrounded by 5 shells of the future time. Such total of 10 dense
shells and their corresponding times are 10 space/time harmonics of a single
gravitational potential (light speed). They are 10 frequencies of a single
gravitational potential of the present time (light speed expansion of the
universe). Such a universe is only a finite projection of a polynomial infinity
of different densities of the universe. Alternatively, the present time is
only a finite projection of a polynomial infinity of the past (and future)
times. The present gravitational potential is a finite projection of a polynomial
infinity of the past (and future) potentials of the universe, which are obscured
in its angular recesses. Even the gravitational measure of the universe becomes
absurd over the large gravitational differences. The time measure of the universe
limits its duration to only one out of an infinite number of the gravitational
sequence. It limits the universe to only one out of an infinite number of
incarnations. Such a measure is limited by its relative space/time boundaries.
Only the gravity transcends such relative boundaries. The age of the universe
is measured with the number of light speeds. The universe, which is measured
with the present time, is only one light speed in its density and in its duration.
An age, which is measured in time, is applicable only to a particular shell
of density. An age, which is measured in time, has validity only within its
particular spatial boundaries. The age of the universe, which exceeds the
quantum boundaries of its corresponding space/time, has no validity in the
subsequent gravitational shells. It is absurd to measure the age of the universe
with the number of orbital cycles of Earth (years) in the same way that it
is absurd to measure the age of Earth with the number of orbital cycles of
an electron.

The age of the universe is a relative measure because time on one level behaves
as the space on the next level. The age is not time but an instant density
on the subsequent level. The horizontal distance of time on one level becomes
an instant dense point, when such time is twisted for 90º. The time of
one dense shell acts as the space of the next dense shell. The time has validity
only within the corresponding spatial shell. The gravitational measure of
the universe fuses the spatial with the time measure because such separate
measurements have validity only within the same gravitational (dense) shell.
The gravitational measure of the universe measures simultaneously its space
(size) and its time (duration). The gravitational measure is an absolute measure,
which transcends the relative space/time measures. It is the true measure
of the universe because it does not replicate the distortions created by the
space/time interference. The space curves time inversely proportionally from
the way that time curves space. The space in the background of its time creates
a convex lens while the time in the background of its space creates a concave
lens. The space and time distort each other when measured in isolation. They
curve each other. Such convex/concave (relative) distortion is eliminated
only in the gravitational (absolute) context. Only the double negation creates
an affirmation. Only two opposing asymmetries create symmetry. Consequently,
the present age of the universe (15 bill years) is not an age but an instant
of a much older universe, which is again only an instant of even older universe.
The past times of a much older universe, which is preceding this universe
by a light speed, are encapsulated in the electromagnetic frequencies of the
present matter. An even older universe is encapsulated in the nuclear (gravitational)
vibrations, which are responsible for the density of an atomic nucleus etc.

Consequently, nothing in the present space can exceed the boundary of the
present time (or vice versa). Nothing can go beyond the focal point of a gravitational
lens. A dense cosmic body from the outer space captured by an inner space
cannot be measured by the measure of the inner space because such a measure
is too short. Moon, which has the external (galactic) origin, is captured
not only in the present space but also in the present time. There is no objective
space/time distinction in the absence of their absolute gravitational framework.
Only the comparative quantities can be measured. The duration of Earth and
Moon are incomparable in the framework of the present time because Moon’s
duration exceeds such time. Moon’s duration is measurable only in the
context of the solar time, which is an accelerated time that exceeds the present
time by a factor of light speed. Moon’s age is measurable only in the
gravitational context because an accelerated time acts as the present gravity.
Its external (galactic) origin is imprinted only in its pattern of waves.
Lunar galactic origin is permanently imprinted in its time cycles (gravitational
waves) in the same way that one’s electromagnetic imprint is permanently
imparted upon one at his birth. An underlying electromagnetic fluidity (subtleness)
is frozen in the cardinal points of emergence from the underlying subtle (electromagnetic)
environment into the present density. The electromagnetic fluidity of the
underlying (past) space is frozen and solidified in the present time. The
lunar cycles are revealing the secrets of its birth and its past time, since
the gravitational cycles on the present level are the electromagnetic cycles
on the solar level. The past of the present dense form is encapsulated in
its underlying pattern of waves. It transcends the quantum boundaries of the
present incarnation but only on a subtle level. The past consists of the pattern
of waves rather than as a solid matter, which is limited by its present time.
The past exists only on a subtle level because of the angular potential (light
speed), which separates it from the present time.

The 28-day lunar cycle is correct insofar as it is measured against the solar
background but Moon must go an extra mile to accomplish its orbital around
Earth since it orbits Sun together with Earth. It is expanding its essential
(symmetrical) 26-day cycle into an eccentric 28-day orbital cycle. Such 28-day
orbital cycle is subsequently expanded to 29.5-day cycle because of the regression,
which is induced by the Earth’s rotation. The lunar 28-day cycle taken
out of its solar background becomes a 26-day cycle and a 364-day year, which
is consisting of 13 lunar cycles, is expanded to 14 lunar cycles. One lunar
cycle difference between 13-fold and 14-fold potentials is inertia of a particle
in the context of a wave. It is inertia (density) of Moon created as the residual
potential of interference between Earth and Sun, which is reflected in Earth’s
rotation and orbital motion. Such rotation and orbital motion behave as the
inertia, which regresses lunar orbital. Such regression is an angular potential,
which is responsible for dense space of Moon. The 14th lunar cycle is converted
into a dense sphere of Moon. Alternatively, such non-existent 14th lunar cycle
is absorbed by the Earth’s inertia (density) because Earth’s orbital
is regressed due to Earth’s rotation/orbital. Such 14th 26-day lunar
cycle is a measure of coherence between Earth and Moon. It is the gravitational
potential, which is separating them. A week is 6 ½ days in such symmetrical
arrangement. It is 6 full days and one subtle (partial) day, which is a day
of the rest. Alternatively, the 7th day is also a day of the rest because
it is an inertial day. It is a residue (inertia) of its 6-day gravitational
matrix. It is its overriding angular potential, which is a dense particle
at the heart of every wave. It is the time when the fruits of the past 6 days
are consumed. Moon is the dense difference between the solar and galactic
times (waves). The lunar periodic regressions and advances of Earth’s
rotation and its subsequent precessional cycles are imparting the time over
the earthly space but also its end. Moon serves as a pollinator but also as
a harvester of its life. It is a function given to Moon by the galaxy.

The gravitational quantum is created as a resonance of the opposite potentials.
The life is a gravitational (resonant) manifestation. It is not created or
sustained in the exclusivity of one over another. It is not sustained in the
isolation but through the coherence with its environment. The life is asymmetrical
eccentricity (residual potential) sandwiched in between two perfect symmetries
or vice versa. Earth is a creative (residual) potential of the solar/galactic
gravitational tugging but so is every other planetary body. Life on Earth
is possible only through the additional dimension or an additional angular
potential. It is possible only with an additional pattern of waves and this
is the function, which Moon provides thus putting Earth on a different level
from all the other planetary bodies. Sun alone without its galactic counterpart
embedded in its own space is impotent in creating or sustaining the life.
Life needs Moon. Sun and Mon in their perpetual spiraling embrace create and
sustain life on Earth through the swirling and interaction of their gravitational
forces. That is why Sun and Moon have the same angular size. There would no
life on Earth if they do not have the same angular size because only the evenly
matched potentials interact and create a residual potential (an additional
dimension of life). The Mayan rounds are based on the lunar rather than on
the solar cycles because the lunar cycles emulate the galactic cycles. Sun
acts as a canvas on which the dynamic creativity of the galaxy is displayed.
The galaxy is the spirit behind the physical influence of Sun. The galaxy
is the invisible hand, which is guiding the solar physical presence on Earth.
The galaxy is a regulator, which provides the balance between the destructive
and creative powers of Sun.

The lunar/solar cycles are perfect fit, which is emulating the perfect fit
of their angular sizes. 260/360 = 0.722.. (the polynomial asymmetry of a 72-fold
potential). 5200 years (¼ cycle) becomes 7200 sacred rounds in such
an inverted arrangement (100x72, where 72 is the number of years per 1? of
precession). 72 years or 100 sacred rounds is a gravitational (creative) yield.
It is the symmetry or a measure of coherence between the rotation and the
orbital because 26000 days in the rotational framework are 2x36=72 years or
100 sacred rounds in the orbital framework. 72-year cycle is a subtle (electromagnetic)
density, which is underlying the precessional (gravitational) 26000-year period.
It is the amount of time in which the orbital and rotation maintain the coherence
in the subtle (electromagnetic) environment. 72 years is a holographic (angular)
shadow in time of 236 sec synodic/sideral spatial difference. The additional
5 days (particle) of a symmetrical 360-day orbital (wave) created by synodic/sidereal
difference generates an additional cycle in time per 72 years with ¼
quantum of 6+6+6=18 years. Every 72 years generates an additional potential,
which is a full curvature (full measure of time) in 360x72=25920 years (or
36000 sacred rounds). 72-year cycle is a single potential of the overall (residual)
gravitational lattice of time (precession). It is an electromagnetic potential
(frequency), which is participating in the overall gravitational potential.
It is the duration in which the symmetry (resonance) between the space and
time is upheld, which is duration of the human life from its inception to
its collapse. It is the capacity of the potential in which the space and time
can run concurrently in the anti-parallel directions before they disentangle.

The human gestation period of 260 days (9 months or ¾ of a year) is
a basic building block (quantum) of life, which is followed by its 100-fold
unfoldment in time – 26000 days (72 years). Such a period is in its
turn gestation period or the basic building block (quantum) of the entire
26000-year cycle (72x360 =25920). 260 days (1 round), 72 years (100 rounds)
and 26000 years (36000 rounds) repeat the same gravitational pattern on 3
different scales light speed apart. They build a 3-fold angular potential
of the present density. It is the same pattern repeated on the electromagnetic
(past), the present and the gravitational (future) level. It is the same pattern
enfolded in the space, time and gravity. The period of the physical growth
and maturity is overtaken by the period of the spiritual (subtle) growth and
maturity with every cardinal alignment. The past spiritual growth on the subtle
level becomes the present physical growth in the fullness of its. One is the
precursor of another. The precession is expanded from 26000 years to 36000
rounds in a response to the truncation of the year (orbital) from a 360-day
solar cycle to a 260-day galactic cycle. The sacred count is inverting the
solar presence in the galactic environment into the galactic presence (Moon)
in the solar environment. It is giving the dominance of the solar presence
over to the galactic and lunar presence. It converts the solar time into the
galactic and lunar time by retaining the same pattern from the opposite directions
since they are almost the perfect matches, which are reflected in their identical
angular sizes. The Sumerian, the mundane 360-day Mayan orbital cycle and the
sacred 36000-rounds Mayan precessional cycle represent the same gravitational
pattern created by the solar/galactic tugging. The time evolving in 260-day
rounds is the parallel (subtle) time of the physical time evolving in 360-day
rounds. They are the rhythms of the spirit and the body, which coalesce only
in the cardinal points of alignment (5200 years or 7200 rounds).

The time, which is generated by 260-day lunar/galactic waves, is 4D (angular
or solar) time. It is an inner electromagnetic reply to the outer galactic
gravitational potential (density). It is one step ahead in space but one step
behind in time. It is concurrent with the present time only on a subtle level.
It merges and overtakes the present time only periodically in the cardinal
points of their interaction. It is essential foundation of the present time
with its shadowy electromagnetic presence. 260-day rounds are the cycles of
the future time in the same way that the 360-day rounds are the cycles of
the present time. The present cannot exist without the future just as the
future cannot exist without the present. 360-day cycles are bodily cycles
while 260-day cycles are cycles of its spirit, which are more coherent cycles
because they anticipate the future beyond the present limited period of time.
260-day rounds are the prophetic cycles, which are based on the precession
as the time of the solar density, which is underlying subtle density of the
overshadowing galactic presence. The precession as the coherence of space/time
rounds is the gravitational environment of Earth. The knowledge of its cycles
anticipates the future incarnations just as the knowledge of the electromagnetic
frequencies, which are induced by the inner precession of electrons, will
manipulate the present density. One must know his position to know where to
go – in space as well as in time. The world, which is lacking the knowledge
of precession is a world lost in time – it does not know where it is
going because it does not know where is its present or its past position.

The time is an incoherent, chaotic and unpredictable thing in a world, which
is lacking the gravitational understanding but not so in a world, which pulsates
in tune with 260-day cycles, or in a world, which is following the Sothic
cycles or cycles of Sar. There cannot be adaptability to a cosmic environment
without the knowledge of the present position in time because the space of
the universe is the present time. There cannot be sustainability of life,
which cannot adapt to time, because it is the life without the future. The
life, which is separated from the matrix of time, is condemned to languish
in the present space but only as long as such space has the continuation.
The time is an uncertain and unknown quantity only in a world, which is limited
by its own shortsighted materialism and selfishness. Time is an unknown quantity
only in a world of Kali, in which the random forces of death prevail over
the order of life. The time is not any less predictable than the present spatial
environment in a world, which is dominated by the spiritual forces of the
altruism and an abstract thought. The time is uncertain only until the winter
solstice 2012 when its present possibility becomes a certain spatial density.
The time is uncertain only as long as the present gravitational wave hovers
in the skies above but not once it descends on Earth below.

One either anticipates events or one is caught by them. The spiritual maturity
as the fundamental ingredient of the adaptation and the evolutionary survival
is measured by the ability to anticipate events; hence it is measured by the
degree of understanding of time and its precessional (gravitational) origin.
The tribulation cannot be anticipated because it is inflicted by the lack
of anticipation; hence the winter solstice 2012 will be time of tribulation
because it is not anticipated unlike in the past worlds. The tribulation is
a sign of times lost in time. There is no escape from the tribulation as long
as the events are not anticipated. They cannot be anticipated in a world in
which the materialistic or the baseless spiritual beliefs prevail over the
coherent truth thus creating a multitude of the clashing private worlds. The
ignorance blinds. It is creating a deception, which is paving the way for
a downfall in the fullness of its time. In ignorance, one turns against the
other, defending his own illusory rights till none is left, while in wisdom
one supports another and all prosper and blossom as one. The fall and decay
starts with deception and the laws made upon it. The law of God needs no modifications.
The tree does not grow and the child is not born according to the deceptive
law of man. The day that follows night does not need the laws, which man has
made. It will make the day to follow night if the law of man is just. Laws
of man seek to supplant the truth with the deception. They seek to create
the chaos, decay and death. The law of man is in conflict with the higher
law of his creator because one dissipates and destroys while the other coheres
and creates the life.

The decay and entropy, which are introduced through the ignorance and deceit,
is proportional with the number of laws and regulations introduced by man.
Every law that man makes removes him a step
further from the only real law thus gradually reducing the power, which is
sustaining him. The man’s laws obscure while the God’s law reveals.
One is a way below and another is a way above. One creates the bondage and
death, while another creates the freedom and life. It is a personal choice
to obey the laws, which are made by the ignorant men and which invariably
seek the destruction and violence of all that interferes with the perpetuity
of a particular lie or deception, or to obey the only law that transcends
all the partial and violent laws of men. It is a personal choice to gratify
the man’s laws and reap its deceptive and limited material rewards,
which are leading to death, or to accept the law of higher will and reap the
everlasting life. It is a personal choice to anticipate or to learn through
the tribulation but the choice as everything else is limited and it must expire
with the arrival of winter sun in 2012. One must learn through the tribulation
in a default to learn through the anticipation.

The higher law is the gravitational (absolute) law, which is transcending
the present space/time relativity. It is not the law of division or multiplication
but the law of multiplication through division. The higher law is the precessional
law because the precession in time ensures the succession in space. The higher
law dispenses the justice according to the rule of Maat. There is no freedom
where the majority oppresses the minority or vice versa. There is no freedom
where the society through the laws oppresses an individual, just as there
is no freedom where an individual oppresses the society at large – both
are the dictates of lies, which are serving the narrow and selfish materialistic
interests. The freedom is in the cohesion of all as one, where one has the
same rights as all and all have no more rights than only the one. The laws
of man do not free. They create the chain reaction of bondages till a point
of strangulation. The relative laws of man corrupt the absolute law, which
is written in the sky that overshadows Earth, but one will never know to read
it unless one has mastered its alphabet. The ignorance and failure to read,
understand and apply will be no excuse when the time of choices and anticipation
is over and the time of reaping and tribulation arrives. It is remembered
in the biblical book of Daniel that the material remnants of the past 3 worlds
were allowed to survive and serve as the seed from which the new civilization
has grown. The arrival of the winter sun in 2012 is not the end only of the
solar but also of the galactic cycle in which no seeds of the material culture,
which is imposed by the law of men over law of God, will filter through. Only
the total rejection of its deceitful material culture and the complete self-reliance
in an hour of reckoning will merit the spiritual rebirth. The technology,
which is perpetuating the materialism and selfishness, is not sustainable
beyond the quantum boundaries of its time. Only what is resonant with the
universal law will be sustained. The material science cannot overcome immaterial
forces. The end of an age of Kali is also an end of the entire cycle of Yugas.
It is the finality of violence and brutality in all its forms and the beginning
of the world based on the justice of Maat.

The salvation is found in the truth and the truth is not a belief –
be it material or immaterial. The truth is in the coherence of heart and mind.
No material science or a religious belief can overcome it. The truth is not
in the relative belief but in its manifestation. The truth is in action. It
is neither in the science, which is limited by its materialism, nor in spirituality,
which is limited by its lack of materialism. The truth is in the spirit of
science or the science of spirit. The truth is not a belief but a precise
knowledge. One acts upon an absolute knowledge and not upon the relative belief.
Who does not understand will believe anything at all just as a drowning man
will seek a salvation from any floating straw because in his weakness and
despair it seems as a mighty oak. The purpose of a belief is to find the truth
- not to solidify it into the law. The salvation is not found in one or another
belief (or disbelief) but in overcoming their inertia for the sake of larger
truth. The truth is not what man teaches on Earth but what his creator writes
in the sky. There are many truths only on Earth lost in time. There is no
uncertainty about the time in the universe whose space is the time. Its truth
is only one. The infinity of the finite choices on Earth is but one infinite
choice of the universe like a spectrum of colors, which are fusing into one
light that has no color at all. The universal truth has no personal colors.
It is transparent because it is just. Every cardinal alignment between the
different incarnations of matter (densities) coheres correspondingly more
of the diffused and relative truth into its absolute fold. To diversify the
truth on a larger scale one must first unite it on a smaller scale. The imparted
light must be cohered into the dense matter. To be alive in one world one
must die in another. The direction of life can be changed anytime at will
but the place in which such life will evolve can be chosen only once every
5200 years. It must be chosen consciously because an unconscious choice will
by a default be an unintended choice.